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Creating a user-defined function

You can create user-defined functions using a process design application such as the Microsoft Visio application.

  1. Create a .NET Class Library project.
  2. Specify the Target Framework as .NET Framework 4.0.
  3. Rename the default class and the class file for the function.
  4. Remove references that are not required.
  5. Provide a unique name such as <Study name>.<Function name> for the function.
  6. Include a reference to the Oracle.Designer.ExternalFunctions.dll assembly.
    1. Locate the assembly in <Central Designer Installation Directory>\Bin\ExternalFunctions.
    2. Copy the assembly to your project.
    3. Add a code statement to declare the namespace.
  7. If the function performs a task such as reading from or writing to a file, accessing the database or the registry, making web service calls, running an external application, sending an email, or using the event log directly, sign the function with a strong named signature that is valid and trusted.

    For more information, see Signing user-defined function assemblies.

  8. Import the function into a library or study.

    For more information, see Importing a user-defined function.

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