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_SaveToDb(String, String)

Determines whether to send data to the InForm Publisher queue.




Parameters for _SaveToDb



Data type


Parameter that triggers the InForm Publisher application to do one of the actions listed below. The rule expression loads the message parameter with a value based on the value of specific items in the form.

The text of the message parameter is fixed. The library in the InForm and Oracle Argus Safety integration package includes the following constants defining enumerations for the required strings. Using these SafetyConstants enumerations to specify the required strings is strongly recommended.

  • IsReadyToSend—Sends safety event data to the Oracle Argus Safety application immediately
  • IsReportableOrSerious—Marks the safety event as serious and sends it to the Oracle Argus Safety application after a time interval that is configured in the InForm Publisher application
  • IsCancelled—Does one of the following:
    • Cancels a pending submission
    • Sends a nullification submission to the Oracle Argus Safety application if the safety event was submitted previously
    • Does nothing if the safety event was not marked serious previously



Name of the study, populated by the GetTrialName() predefined function.




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