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Example—Using the Randomize function

The randomization feature in the InForm application allows you to assign a drug kit to a subject based on a randomization scheme that has been chosen for a study. After randomization configuration is complete, one of the forms in the study contains a Drug Kit section. When a user clicks the Randomize button, the InForm application returns a drug kit number, along with associated information about the drug kit, in the Drug Kit section of the form.

For the randomization feature to work, you must create a randomization item. The randomization item must be on a form with at least one other item that will be completed before the treatment information can be populated. The following example illustrates creating study objects for randomization and using the Randomize function.

Example of creating study objects for randomization and using the Randomize function





Create the following form on the Baseline study event.

  • Title—Randomization
  • RefName—frmRandomization
  • Short Title—RAND


Create the following items on the frmRandomization form.

  • Title—Ready to randomize
  • RefName—itmRandReady
  • Type—Integer
  • Question—Are you ready to dispense treatment to this patient?
  • Codelist—clYes
  • Codelist item—citmYes
  • Display override—Read Only
  • Title—Treatment Assignment
  • RefName—itmRandTreatment
  • Question—Treatment Assignment
  • Type—Text
  • Display override—Hidden
  • Special Field Property—Randomization Field (Randomization)


Generate form layout.



For example:

Illustration. Sample form layout.


Create a rule on itmRandTreatment.

The rule expression for the Randomization function uses the following format:

Randomize([listname], [randomization type])

Note: The value of [randomization type] can be one of the following (use the spacing that is specified):

  • “Simple Central”
  • “Central Stratified”
  • “Simple Site”
  • “Stratified by Site”

See the following example for more details.

A Simple Central randomization with one list called "SimpleList" uses the following expression.

Example of a Simple Central randomization with one list called "SimpleList"


Rule expression


evaluate on Form Submission


value = Randomize(“SimpleList”, “Simple Central”)

The following action sets the value of the itmRandTreatment item to the Description and Sequence Number that is returned by the randomization process.


set this.Value = value.Description + “ “ + value.SequenceNumber

The following action sets the value of the itmRandTreatment item to the Description that is returned by the randomization process.


set this.Value = value.Description

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