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Returns a drug kit number based on the randomization type and the sequence and drug kit numbers stored in the randomization source database on the InForm host computer.




Parameters for Randomize



Data type


Randomization source list name, or stratification code.



Randomization type:

  • Simple Central—The study uses one list of drug kits. Each new patient is assigned the next sequential drug kit number on the list.
  • Central Stratified—The study has multiple lists of drug kits. Each new subject is assigned to a drug kit list based on entered subject data. Then, the subject is assigned the next sequential drug kit number on that list.
  • Simple Site—Each site has a different drug kit list. Each new subject is assigned the next sequential drug kit number on the list for the site of the subject.
  • Stratified by Site—Each site has multiple lists of drug kits. Each new subject is first assigned to the set of lists for the site of the subject. Then, the subject is assigned to one of the site drug kit lists based on entered subject data. Finally, the subject is assigned the next sequential drug kit number on that list.



Drug kit number (String), in the format sequence/drug_kit


Using the Randomize function requires special configuration in the study design and on the computer hosting the InForm study:

For more information, see the InForm documentation.

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