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Sample data-entry rules that use methods

Example 1

Example 1 - Data entry rules that use methods




Use a math method to round the result of the existing rule, rulCalcBMI, to two decimal places.


Baseline event

Study structure

  • Baseline (study event)
    • Demog (form)
      • HT (item)
    • Vitals (form)
      • Weight (item)
      • BMI (item)

Rule summary

evaluate on Form Submission


value = Math.Round(_CalculateBMI(this.frmDemographics.itmHeight.Value,this.frmVitals.itmWeight.Value),2)



set this.frmVitals.itmBMI.Value = value


Note: The solution above is the simplest solution, but not the best, as it does not clear the BMI field if Height or Weight are subsequently cleared, and it will cause an ISE if Height is 0.0. A better solution follows.

evaluate on Form Submission


value = !this.frmDemographics.itmHeight.Empty && !this.frmVitals.itmWeight.Empty


(this.frmDemographics.itmHeight.Value != 0 ?


(!this.frmVitals.itmBMI.Empty ?

2 : 3)) :

(!this.frmVitals.itmBMI.Empty ?

2 : 3)


when value == 1

set this.frmVitals.itmBMI.Value = Math.Round(_CalculateBMI(this.frmDemographics.itmHeight.Value,this.frmVitals.itmWeight.Value),2)


when value == 2

set this.frmVitals.itmBMI.Empty = true

Example 2

Example 2 - Data entry rules that use methods




Create a rule named rulTabsDispensed that checks that the sum of tablets dispensed is greater than zero and less than 500. The sum of tablets should use 0 as a replacement value. If false, fire a query.


Dispensing Record section

Study structure

  • DISPREC (section)
    • Tabs (compound item)
      • onemg (item)
      • twomg (item)
      • threemg (item)

Rule summary

evaluate on Form Submission


value = (this.itmTabNum.itmonemg.GetValue(0) +
this.itmTabNum.itmthreemg.GetValue(0) +

this.itmTabNum.itmtwomg.GetValue(0)) > 0 &&

(this.itmTabNum.itmonemg.GetValue(0) +

this.itmTabNum.itmthreemg.GetValue(0) +

this.itmTabNum.itmtwomg.GetValue(0)) < 500


when value is false

issue query on this.itmTabNum: The total number of tablets dispensed {TabsDisp} is not within the expected range. Please clarify or correct.

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