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Date-Time Data Point dialog box—Option descriptions

Use the Date-Time Data Point dialog box to specify custom mappings for date time items. The dialog box appears when you map a date to a data series that has a type of Integer or Text or when you modify the date part of a mapped date time item.

Note: When you map a date time item to an integer data series in a CDD mapping, the item is mapped as a split date, with a separate column for each date time part.

Date-Time Data Point dialog box—Option descriptions



All in one column

Map the date to a single database column. This option is available only if the date item is mapped to a data series with a type of Text.

Split columns

Split the date parts into multiple database columns. If the mapping is for:

  • CDD—The Central Designer application splits the date parts into multiple database columns.
  • CIS—You must create a different mapping for each date part that you want to map to a different panel item.

CIS Date Part

Date part to map. This option is available for rule and CIS mappings but not for CDD mappings.

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