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Run tab of the Rule Test Cases dialog box—Option descriptions

In the Run tab, you run validate rules, run test cases, and view the results.

Run tab of the Rules Test Cases dialog box—Option descriptions



Top section


Check Syntax

Check syntax for the selected rules.

Execute Tests

Run the selected test cases and check syntax for the selected rules.


Stop the action.

Go to Rule

You are brought to the following location:

  • Data-entry rules—The study object on which the rule is created.
  • Workflow rules—The Workflow Diagram tab that contains the workflow rule. The workflow rule is selected in the diagram.
  • Global conditions—The study object on which the global condition was created (in a study, the study design). The Edit Global Conditions dialog box opens with the global condition selected.

Progress indicator

If the action is successful, the indicator is green. If one or more rules or test cases is invalid, the indicator is red.


Metrics for the test cases that you ran.

Note: If the IgnoreTest property for a test case (set in the Test Properties tab) is set to True, the test case is skipped.




  • Red circle—Test case or rule is not valid.
  • Green circle—Test case or rule is valid.
  • Yellow circle—(Can appear only after you run test cases) Test case was skipped.

Object Name

Study object on which the rule was created.

Rule Name

Name of the rule.


Indicates whether the rule is valid, invalid, or incomplete (for rules or global conditions that have valid syntax but are not complete; for example, if the rule has no action defined).

Test Name

  • Run test cases—Name of the test case.
  • Check syntax—n/a appears


  • Run test cases—Passed or Failed.
  • Check syntax—n/a appears.


  • Run test cases—Expected result of the test case.
  • Check syntax—n/a appears.


  • Run test cases—Actual result of the test case. If the test case fails, error appears.
  • Check syntax—n/a appears.


  • Run test cases—Time (in milliseconds)
  • Check syntax—n/a appears.

Execution Results section

Select a result in the grid to view additional information.

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