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Design tab of the Codelist Editor—Option descriptions

Design tab of the Codelist Editor—Option descriptions



Title (codelist)

Title of the codelist. The title can have 1-63 characters.


Description of the codelist.

Data type

Data type of the codelist; must be compatible with the values specified for codelist item codes:

  • Float
  • Integer
  • String



Title (codelist item)

Title of the codelist item. The title can have 1-63 characters.


Value stored in the repository for the codelist item. The value can have 1-2000 characters.


Default label that appears on the form for the codelist item. The label can have 1-255 characters.


Description of the codelist item. The description can have 0-255 characters.

Note: To type extended ASCII characters in text fields, press ALT while entering the decimal code for the character. You can also add HTML formatting characters to a text field to control its appearance when deployed.

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