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Enter and translate the title and short title of the Common Visit

In the Common Visit tab, which is part of the editor for the study design, you can enter, edit, and translate the title and short title for a study's common visit. A common visit is created during deployment when a study contains common forms.

Specifying a title and short title is optional. For studies with common forms, if you translate a title or short title for one language, you must translate values for all languages.

  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Visit Schedule (Visit Schedule) button.
  2. Select the study design.
  3. Select the Common Visit tab.
  4. Enter title and short title values in the fields at the top.
  5. Optionally, in the Languages column of the Languages section, select the drop-down arrow at the end of the cell, and select a language for translation.

    Note: For studies with common forms, if you translate a title or short title for one language, you must translate values for all languages.

  6. Type a translated title and short title.
  7. Press Enter, or click the next row.
  8. Type translations for all languages in the study.
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