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Step 2: Add a trigger for a custom event

  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Study Information (Study Information) button.
  2. In the Project Explorer in the InForm folder, open the Custom Events folder and select the custom event you want to work with.
  3. Select the Triggers & Results tab.
  4. Click New Trigger.
  5. Specify whether the trigger is a subject, a common visit, or a study object, and then choose an event.

    For example, you can select a subject action like a subject being enrolled or transferred to a new site, or a study object action like a visit being frozen or a form being source verified.

  6. Click the Event type drop-down list. If additional fields appear below the Event type field, make a selection and click OK.
  7. On the Triggers & Results tab, add triggers, if desired, and in the middle of the page, in the Logical operator field, select:
    • AND if you want the result to occur if all of the triggers are satisfied.
    • OR if you want the result to occur if any of the triggers is satisfied.
  8. Next, enter the data to export when the custom event is triggered.

Tip Tip:

Central Designer allows you to create some study object triggers that are not currently supported in InForm. To save time, avoid creating the following unnecessary triggers:

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