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Workflow Rules and Global Conditions Report

The Workflow Rules and Global Conditions Report runs at the study level and outputs all active and inactive rules from the study design as a CSV file.

Fields in the Workflow Rules and Global Conditions Report




Icon that indicates the status of the report:

  • Green check mark (check)—Indicates the report ran successfully.
  • Red X (error)—Indicates an error occurred when the report was run. A description of the error appears in the Error Message(s) column.

Error Message(s)

Description of the error(s) encountered while gathering data for rule action information.

Rule Name

Name of the workflow rule or global condition.

Rule Status

Status of the workflow rule or global condition; either Enabled or Disabled.

Rule Type

Type of rule; either WorkflowRule or GlobalCondition.

Rule Description

Description for the workflow rule or global condition.

Rule Switch

Expression for the workflow rule or global condition.

Rule Match


Shows the information about which value selection in InForm will produce the result. For example, if Gender = female, a dynamic pregnancy form would open and this field shows that “female” is the match that will produce the result.

Dynamic Type

Visit, form, or form and visit.

Target Visit RefName

RefName of the visit in which the item that is the target of the rule action exists.

Target Form RefName

RefName of the form on which the item that is the target of the rule action exists.

Note: If the item is used on multiple forms in the study, the forms are listed and separated by semicolons.

Workflow Owner

Where the workflow rule or global condition resides in the study design.

Workflow Owner Type

Object type of the workflow owner object.

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