Editing the units file

The available units and their conversion calculations are stored in the database. To specify additional units and conversion calculations or to provide locale-specific abbreviations, you must export the units file using the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application, edit it, and import the file using the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application.

If you edit the units file:

  • Create a backup copy of the file before making any changes.
  • Oracle recommends adding to the file, rather than deleting or changing existing entries.

    Objects to add when editing the units XML file

    To make this type of change Add these objects
    Add a unit. Unit, including a ConversionMap object and one or more Locale objects.
    Add a locale to an existing unit. Locale, including a DisplayString and DisplaySymbol object.
    Add a conversion calculation for a unit. UnitConversion. If adding a conversion calculation to a unit that represents a type of measurement not already included in the file, add a UnitConversionMap object for that type of measurement.