Specifying the language fluency skills of a user

Language fluency information is used to determine the ability of a user to translate information into another language. You must specify locale information before activating a user.

You must specify at least one language fluency skill for each user, even for users who will not be translating. The skill set of a user must include all locales in which the user will develop study metadata, including the locale that is chosen as the default locale for a study, or, if a default locale is not chosen, the regional setting for the computer. Otherwise, the user does not have access to all functionality for the locale.

You cannot perform certain tasks in the Oracle Central Designer application until you have a language fluency skill in your own language.

  1. Click the Users button.
  2. In the Users list, select the user whose skills you want to change.

    The Users workspace appears.

  3. Select the Skills tab.
  4. Click the ellipsis button (Ellipsis button. Opens the Add Locale dialog box.) at the end of the LanguageFluencies field.

    The Add Locale dialog box appears.

  5. Select the locales in which the user is fluent, and click OK.


    You select languages from a list of supported locales that have been specified in the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application. For more information, see Adding and removing a locale.

    The locales are added to the LanguageFluencies field.

  6. Click Save.
    Skills tab - Field descriptions
    Field Description

    Language Fluencies

    Languages in which the user is fluent. A user must be designated as fluent in a language in order to translate information into that language in the Oracle Central Designer application.