Can I export and import text?

You can export all text strings for a target application and locale into a CSV file, translate them locally, and then re-import the translated strings.

This option is useful for outsourcing translations. After exporting the text strings for a selected target application and locale to a CSV file, you can send the file to a third-party translation vendor to translate the strings. When the translated strings are returned, you import them back into the Oracle Central Designer database. You perform the export and import separately for each locale to be translated.

You can export and import text strings at any time during the development of a study, including updates after a study has gone live. For example, to generate a test file to validate the process with a translation vendor, you can export the text strings for a partially developed study. When the study is completely developed, you can export the strings again, have the vendor translate the remaining strings, and import the completed translation file.


The text string export and import feature works only with the current format of layouts. If your study contains layouts that were created in release 1.2 or earlier of Oracle Central Designer, you must convert the layouts to the current format before exporting or importing text strings.