What does a translator do with the exported text strings for translation?

After the text strings for a study or library are exported, a translator adds translated strings to the exported file and saves the file.


If you use Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software as the CSV file editor, you must import the exported file as Unicode UTF-8; you cannot simply open the file and edit it. Additionally, you must export the edited file as Unicode UTF-8 CSV; you cannot save it and preserve the correct formatting. You might want to develop a Microsoft Excel macro specification or other tool that performs this processing. For guidance, see the Microsoft Excel documentation.

Translation file format

The translation export and import CSV file consists of a header and translation records in the following formats.


The header contains the following values: RefName,OwnerType,SrType, Id,Revision,<ReferenceLocaleValue>,< LocaleToTranslate>.
  • <ReferenceLocaleValue>—Locale of the strings from which to translate, as specified in the Locale to translate from field of the Export Translations dialog box. Example: en-US.
  • <LocaleToTranslate >—Locale to which text strings are being translated, as specified in the Locale to translate field of the Export Translations dialog box. Example: fr-FR.

Example of file header



Each translation record contains the following fields: <RefName>,<OwnerType>,<SrType, <Id>,<Revision>,<ReferenceLocaleValue>,< LocaleToTranslate>, as described in the following table.

Field Description
RefName RefName of the study object that owns the string.
OwnerType Internal type of the study object that owns the string resource.
SrType Internal type of the field that references the string resource.
Id GUID of the string resource in CSML.
Revision Revision number of the study object for which the text string is defined.
ReferenceLocaleValue Text string in the locale to translate.
LocaleToTranslate Translated text string. This value is empty when you export the file. The translator fills in the value before you import the file.


The LocaleToTranslate is the only value that may be changed in each record.

Examples of file records

Layout_5fxx,LayoutPlan,ItemCaption,d067b170-8885-11e1-b0c4-0800200c9a66,12, "DOV Form","Forme pour la date de visite"

Itm_DOB,DateTime,Question,26beca46-663e-4841-ab8b-03ff6b7a78f9,5,"Date of Birth","Date de naissance"

Translation file requirements

  • Do not change any values in the translation file except the strings in the LocaleToTranslate position (last field in each record).
  • The header record must be present.
  • Each record must conform to the following standards:
    • All records must have the same number of fields.
    • RefName and Id fields must not be empty.
    • RefName length must be less than or equal to 63 characters.
    • Revision and OwnerType lengths must be less than or equal to 255 characters.
    • ReferenceLocaleValue and LocaleToTranslate lengths must be less than or equal to 32000 characters.
  • Double quotation marks (") are required for any field that contains a line break, double quote, or comma and are optional for any other field.
  • If a field contains a double quotation mark character [for example, Dizzy ("Groggy")], you must include another double quotation mark as an escape character, as follows: "Dizzy (""Groggy"")".
  • Lines must end with a Windows-style (CRLF) line terminator.