Create an item group and add items to it


Group items based on access rights. For example, you can create a group of items to hide from users' view or a group of items to make read-only for a group of users. For more information, see the InForm documentation.
Prerequiste: A form designer must create all of the items for a study before you can group them into item groups.
  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Study Information (study information icon) button.
  2. Expand the study folder, and select Administration.
  3. Select the Item Groups tab.
  4. In the top-left corner of the tab, click the Create item group(s) icon.
  5. Enter a group name and description for the new item group.
  6. Click Add.
  7. In the Item Group—Add Itemsdialog box, select the items to include in the group.
    Optionally, you can search for specific items.
  8. Click OK.


    To select all of the items in the list, click the checkbox in the column headings.
  9. Click Create.
    The item group you added appears in the top grid of the Item Groups tab. Its associated items appear in the bottom grid.
  10. Next, create a rights group and add item groups to it.