Custom Dimension Labels - Select Codelist dialog box—Option descriptions

In the Custom Dimension Labels - Select Codelist dialog box, you select or create a codelist for the labels for custom data dimensions created with a data set.


The dialog box appears when you define a custom data dimension and then click the button in the Codelist Lookup column.
Option Description
[Codelist drop-down list] List of available codelists.
New Create a codelist.
Code List of codes for the selected codelist.
Label List of labels for the selected codelist.
Use only listed labels checkbox Indicates whether users are required to choose from the custom dimension labels that you provide, or if they can provide their own values.
  • Selected—When defining the value of the custom data dimension, users are required to choose from the codelist items you type in the Custom Dimension Labels section.
  • Not selected—When defining the value of the custom data dimension, user can choose from the values you type or provide a value.


If you select Use only listed labels, the codelist must have at least one codelist item.