Data Series Properties dialog box—Option descriptions

Option Description
Title Name of the data series in the data set.
RefName RefName of the data series in the data set.
Description Description of the data series in the data set.

Alias for the data series. If an alias is present, it is used as the column name in the customer-defined database (CDD) or as the Clintrial item name in CIS mappings. If an alias is not present, the RefName is used as the column header. Because RefNames must be unique throughout a study, you must create an alias if the RefName is used by a study object. Data series aliases must be unique within a data set.

Checking for RefName and alias uniqueness is case insensitive; for example, the names BP and bp are considered identical.

Type Data type of the data series.

The data types of an item and data series must be compatible for you to add the item to the data series. The following table indicates the item types that you can add to each data series type.

Item type Text Integer Float Date time
Text item Yes No No No
Integer item Yes Yes Yes No
Float item Yes No Yes No
Date time item Yes. You are asked if you want to choose part of the date or the whole date. Yes. You are asked to choose the part of the date. No Yes