Deployment History dialog box—Option descriptions

Option Description
Buttons -
Package History Open the Deployment History dialog box for the selected deployment package.
View Log Open the Deployment Log dialog box.
Export Save approval history information to a comma-separated value (CSV) file that can be opened in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Columns Select the columns to display. Not all columns appear in the default view.
Columns -
Additional Information Additional information provided in the deployment request.
Approval Required Whether the deployment of the package requires approval.
Approval Status Approval status for the deployment request. One of the following:
  • Not Required—Request does not re quire an approval.
  • Requested—Request has been created, and it has not been approved or rejected yet.
  • Approved—Request has been approved.
  • Rejected—Request has been rejected.
Archived Whether the deployment package is archived.
Date Completed Date and time when the deployment process completed.
Date Performed One of the following:
  • If the approval status is Not Required or Requested, date and time when the deployment request was created.
  • If the approval status is Approved or Rejected, date and time when the request was approved or rejected.
Date Started Date and time when the deployment process started.
Deployment ID Unique identifier of the deployment.
Deployment Instance RefName of the deployment instance to which the deployment package was deployed.
Deployment Option Type One of the following:
  • Modify an existing trial—Deploy modified content to an existing study.
  • Deploy to new trial—Deploy content to a new study.
Deployment Status Deployment status for the deployment request. One of the following:
  • Not Applicable—Deployment has not been initiated.
  • Unknown—Deployment has been initiated, but the InForm application has either not detected the deployment package, or has not located it.
  • Submitted—Deployment has been initiated, the package has been transferred to the InForm server, but the InForm application has not detected it yet.
  • Scheduled—Deployment has been initiated, the package has been transferred to the InForm server, and the InForm application has scheduled it for installation.
  • In Progress—Deployment is currently being executed.
  • Succeeded—Deployment has completed successfully.
  • Failed—Deployment has failed.
  • Canceled—Deployment has been canceled.
Deployment Type Type of study server to which the deployment package was deployed. One of the following:
  • UAT—User acceptance testing
  • QA—Quality assurance
  • DEV—Development
  • LIVE—Production
  • TRN—Training
Deployment URL URL address of the deployment instance.
Has IPR Indicates that the deployment contains in-place revision changes.
Is Immediate Whether the deployment schedule option selected in the deployment request was Immediate.
Package Name Name of the deployment package.
Package Type Type of deployment package:
  • Full
  • Incremental
  • Administration data
Performed By One of the following:
  • If the approval status is Not Required or Requested, user name of the user who created the deployment request.
  • If the approval status is Approved or Rejected, user name of the user who approved or rejected the deployment request.
Project Name of the project containing the study.
Reason for Deployment Reason for deployment provided when the deployment request was created.
Schedule Date and time when to perform package deployment. Configured when the deployment request was created.
Status URL URL used to query for the deployment status of the study.
Study Name of the study for which the deployment package was created.