Pending Approvals tab on the Home Page—Option descriptions

Option Description
Buttons -
Approve/Reject Request Open the Approve Deployment Request dialog box to view detailed information about the selected deployment request, and approve or reject the request.
Deployment History Open the Deployment History dialog box to view a detailed list of deployment data that includes:
  • Deployment requests waiting for your approval and deployment requests for studies on which you are a team member.
  • Deployment requests from all studies, if you are assigned to a role with the View deployments across studies right.
Locking Display the lock options for pending deployment requests.
Columns Select the columns to display in the Approvals tab.
Columns -
Additional Reason Info Additional information about the reason for the approval request.
Approval ID Unique identifier of the deployment.
Deployment Type One of the following:
  • Modify an existing trial—Deploy modified content to an existing study.
  • Deploy to new trial—Deploy content to a new study.
Has IPR Indicates that the deployment contains in-place revision changes.
Package Name Name of the deployment package.
Package Type Type of deployment package:
  • Full
  • Incremental
  • Administration data
Port Number Port used to query for deployment status.
Project Name of the project containing the study.
Reason Reason for deployment provided when the deployment request was created.
Requested By User name of the user who created the deployment request.
Requested Date Date when the deployment request was created.
Schedule Date and time when to perform package deployment. Configured when the deployment request was created.
Status URL URL used to query for the deployment status of the study.
Study Name of the study for which the deployment package was created.
Trial Server Name Name of the machine on which to deploy the study.
Trial Type Type of study server to which the deployment package was deployed. One of the following:
  • UAT—User acceptance testing
  • QA—Quality assurance
  • DEV—Development
  • LIVE—Production
  • TRN—Training
Trial URL URL used to log on to the machine on which to deploy the study.