Design tab of the Form Editor or Section Editor—Option descriptions

Option Description
Repeating Indicates that the form or section is repeating. Multiple instances of the same set of data appear in the form or section.
Common (forms only) Indicates that the form is common. The same data is visible in all study events that contain the form.
Fixed (sections only) Indicates that the section is a fixed repeating section containing static text that repeats for each instance of the item.
Keys (toolbar button and icon for repeating forms and sections only)
  • For a repeating form with no sections, opens the Keys dialog box, in which you can define key items.
  • For a form with one or more repeating sections, displays a drop-down list of repeating sections. Selecting a section opens the Keys dialog box, in which you can define key items.
Fields -

Applies to text, float, and integer items only.

Drop-down list with available codelists for the item. Available codelists are all of the codelists in the study or library with the same type as the item.

Codelist Subset Select a subset of codelist items to add to the codelist.
Conditional On Title of the item on which the current item is conditional. The drop-down list in this column contains items that contain a codelist. If the current item is conditional on one of the items in this column, the current item provides additional data about one of the options in the codelist.
Conditional Value Code and label of the codelist item on which the current item is conditional.
Data Label -
Description Description of the item. The description can have 0-255 characters.
Display Override -
Item Properties Contains an Edit link, which you can click to open the Item Properties dialog box. If you navigate to the field using the Tab button, you can open the dialog box by pressing the spacebar.
Item Required Indicates that the item is required.

For key items, displays icons and numbers that indicate:

  • Type of key item uniqueness (None, Individual, or Group).
  • Order of the items in the drop-down navigation list that appears in the summary view of a repeating form in the Oracle InForm application.

In the Oracle InForm application, key items are used to make it easier to navigate among the instances of a repeating form and to enforce data uniqueness in specific items.


Applies to text, float, and integer items only.

Length of the item.

Allowed values:

  • Text items—1 to 2000.
  • Float items—1 to 18.
  • Integer items—1 to 10.
Locked Indicates that the item is locked.
MaxProperty If a MaxValue is specified for the item, indicates whether the value can be less than or less than or equal to the MaxValue.
MaxValue Maximum value that the Oracle InForm application will allow to be typed for the item.
MinProperty If a MinValue is specified for the item, indicates whether the value can be greater than or greater than or equal to the MinValue.
MinValue Minimum value that the InForm application will allow to be typed for the item.
Modified Indicates that the item has been modified and has not yet been saved.
New Indicates that the item is new and has not yet been saved.
Protected Indicates that the item is protected.
Question Default question for the item. This question appears on the form if no customized label or translation is defined for the item. The question can have 0-1000 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.
RefName RefName of the item.
Revision Revision number of the study object.
SDV Critical Indicates that the study object is considered critical for source verification. If you select SDV Critical, SDV Required becomes selected as well.
SDV Required Indicates that the study object must be source verified in the Oracle InForm application.
ShortQuestion Text of a short version of the item question. In the Oracle InForm application, the short question appears as a column heading in a repeating form, an itemset, and in reports generated by the Reporting and Analysis application. The short question can have 0-255 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.
Special Fields Type of special InForm field, or None, indicating that the item is not a special InForm field. Available special fields, along with the forms in which they appear, are:
  • Initials (Screening).
  • DOB (Screening).
  • Screening date (Screening).
  • Patient No. (Enrollment).
  • Initials (Patient Identification. Completion status (Study Completion).
  • Drop-out reason (Study Completion).
  • DOV (Date of Visit).
  • Randomization field (Randomization).
Title Title of the item. The title can have 1-63 characters.
Type Item type; one of the following, or a custom item type defined in a library to which the study has access:
  • Blood pressure
  • Compound
  • Date time
  • Float
  • Integer
  • Text
  • Yes No
Version Version number of the study object. The version number is incremented only when a user explicitly updates it.


To type extended ASCII characters in text fields, press ALT while entering the decimal code for the character. You can also add HTML formatting characters to a text field to control its appearance when deployed.