Design tab of the Item Editor—Option descriptions

Compound or blood pressure item options

Option Description
Compound Properties section -
Default question Default question for the item. This question appears on the form if no customized label or translation is defined for the item. The question can have 0-1000 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.
Title Title of the item. The title can have 1-63 characters.
Child Items section -
Child Items section List the items that make up the compound item. For a blood pressure item, the predefined child items Systolic Variable and Diastolic Variable appear in this list.
Type Item type. For a blood pressure item, the item type of the two child items is Integer.
Title Title of the child item. The title can have 1-63 characters.
RefName RefName of the child item.
Question Caption that appears with the child item on the form.
Languages section -
Languages section Translate item questions. This section is active if:
  • More than one language and locale have been selected for the study in the Study Editor.
  • You have been associated with one of the languages for the study in your user skills profile. An administrator user sets up this profile in the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application.
Language Language in which the question appears.
Question Text of the question in the specified language. The question can have 0-1000 characters.
Short Question Text of a short version of the item question. In the Oracle InForm application, the short question appears as a column heading in a repeating form, an itemset, and in reports generated by the Reporting and Analysis application. The short question can have 0-255 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.


To type extended ASCII characters in text fields, press ALT while entering the decimal code for the character. You can also add HTML formatting characters to a text field to control its appearance when deployed.

Date time item options

Option Description
Date Time Properties section -
Default question Default question for the item. This question appears on the form if no customized label or translation is defined for the item. The question can have 0-1000 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.
Title Title of the item. The title can have 1-63 characters. The title can have 1-63 characters.







When selected, this part of the date time item (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, or Second) can be made visible on the form if it is marked as visible in the Layout tab.
  • Required—(Selected by default for Year, Month, and Day) When selected, this part of the date time item (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, or Second) is required.
  • Allow unknown—A data-entry user can mark this part of the date time item (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, or Second) unknown. An entry marked unknown is considered completed.
Languages section -
Languages section Translate item questions. This section is active if:
  • More than one language and locale have been selected for the study in the Study Editor.
  • You have been associated with one of the languages for the study in your user skills profile. An administrator user sets up this profile in the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application.
Language Language in which the question appears.
Question Text of the question in the specified language. The question can have 0-1000 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.
Short Question Text of a short version of the item question. In the Oracle InForm application, the short question appears as a column heading in a repeating form, an itemset, and in reports generated by the Reporting and Analysis application. The short question can have 0-255 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.


To type extended ASCII characters in text fields, press ALT while entering the decimal code for the character. You can also add HTML formatting characters to a text field to control its appearance when deployed.


The Required and Allow unknown fields are not available until you select the corresponding Allow fields.

Float item options

Option Description
Float Properties section -
Default question Default question for the item. This question appears on the form if no customized label or translation is defined for the item. The question can have 0-1000 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.
Title Title of the item. The title can have 1-63 characters.
Base Unit The unit for which a measurement is stored in the repository.
Conversion Units One or more optional units in which a user can enter a measurement. A conversion unit value is converted to the base unit when stored in the study database.
Length Maximum length of the data that a user can enter into the item, including the values before and after the decimal point.


When a float item is deployed to an Oracle InForm study, the decimal point counts in the length, and you must account for the decimal point when designing the float item. For example, in the Oracle InForm application, the largest number that can be entered in a field that has a length of 4 and a precision of 1 is 99.9.
Precision Number of required characters following the decimal point.
Codelist Settings
  • Select Single Value—A user must select only one codelist item.
  • Select Multiple Values—A user can select multiple codelist items.
Codelist section  
Codelist section Select or define a codelist for the item. A codelist consists of a group of codelist items, each containing a code and a label.
Codelist List of existing codelists or the name of a new codelist that you type.
New Create a codelist in the repository, using the name entered in the Codelist field.
Code Value stored in the repository for the codelist item. The value can have 1-2000 characters.
Label Default label that appears on the form for the codelist item. The label can have 1-255 characters.
Languages section -
Languages section Translate item questions. This section is active if:
  • More than one language and locale have been selected for the study in the Study Editor.
  • You have been associated with one of the languages for the study in your user skills profile. An administrator user sets up this profile in the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application.
Language Language in which the question appears.
Question Text of the question in the specified language. The question can have 0-1000 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.
Short Question Text of a short version of the item question. In the Oracle InForm application, the short question appears as a column heading in a repeating form, an itemset, and in reports generated by the Reporting and Analysis application. The short question can have 0-255 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.


To type extended ASCII characters in text fields, press ALT while entering the decimal code for the character. You can also add HTML formatting characters to a text field to control its appearance when deployed.

Integer or yes no item options

Option Description
Integer Properties section -
Default question Default question for the item. This question appears on the form if no customized label or translation is defined for the item. The question can have 0-1000 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.
Title Title of the item. The title can have 1-63 characters.
Base Unit The unit for which a measurement is stored in the repository.
Conversion Units One or more optional units in which a user can enter a measurement. A conversion unit value is converted to the base unit when stored in the study database.
Length Maximum length of the data that a user can enter into the item, including the values before and after the decimal point.
Signed Value Reserved for future use.
Codelist settings
  • Select Single Value—A user must select only one codelist item.
  • Select Multiple Values—A user can select multiple codelist items.
Codelist section -
Codelist section Select or define a codelist for the item. A codelist consists of a group of codelist items, each containing a code and a label.


A yes no item includes a predefined codelist named YesNo Codelist. This codelist has the values 0 (No) and 1 (Yes).
Codelist List of existing codelists or the name of a new codelist that you type.
New Create a codelist in the repository, using the name entered in the Codelist field.
Code Value stored in the repository for the codelist item. The value can have 1-2000 characters.
Label Default label that appears on the form for the codelist item. The label can have 1-255 characters.
Languages section -
Languages section Translate item questions. This section is active if:
  • More than one language and locale have been selected for the study in the Study Editor.
  • You have been associated with one of the languages for the study in your user skills profile. An administrator user sets up this profile in the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application.
Language Language in which the question appears.
Question Text of the question in the specified language. The question can have 0-1000 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.
Short Question Text of a short version of the item question. In the Oracle InForm application, the short question appears as a column heading in a repeating form, an itemset, and in reports generated by the Reporting and Analysis application. The short question can have 0-255 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.


To type extended ASCII characters in text fields, press ALT while entering the decimal code for the character. You can also add HTML formatting characters to a text field to control its appearance when deployed.

Text item options

Option Description
Text Properties Specify text item properties.
Default question Default question for the item. This question appears on the form if no customized label or translation is defined for the item. The question can have 0-1000 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.
Title Title of the item. The title can have 1-63 characters.
Length Maximum length of the data that a user can enter into the item, including the values before and after the decimal point.
Codelist Settings
  • Select Single Value—A user must select only one codelist item.
  • Select Multiple Values—A user can select multiple codelist items.
Codelist section Select or define a codelist for the item. A codelist consists of a group of codelist items, each containing a code and a label.
Codelist List of existing codelists or the name of a new codelist that you type.
New Create a codelist in the repository, using the name entered in the Codelist field.
Code Value stored in the repository for the codelist item. The value can have 1-2000 characters.
Label Default label that appears on the form for the codelist item. The label can have 1-255 characters.
Languages section Translate item questions. This section is active if:
  • More than one language and locale have been selected for the study in the Study Editor.
  • You have been associated with one of the languages for the study in your user skills profile. An administrator user sets up this profile in the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application.
Language Language in which the question appears.
Question Text of the question in the specified language. The question can have 0-1000 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.
Short Question Text of a short version of the item question. In the Oracle InForm application, the short question appears as a column heading in a repeating form, an itemset, and in reports generated by the Reporting and Analysis application. The short question can have 0-255 characters. Certain words may be reserved for this field.


To type extended ASCII characters in text fields, press ALT while entering the decimal code for the character. You can also add HTML formatting characters to a text field to control its appearance when deployed.

Default maximum input field lenghts

When you create an item, you specify the length of the input field. The Oracle Central Designer application supports the following maximum field lengths as a default.

Type of input field Maximum length
Text item 2000
Integer item 10
Float item 18
Float precision 10