Map to the MedDRA version

Each data series for an item that can be coded has a corresponding data series, called <dsname>MedDRAVersion. <dsname> is the name of the data series to which the MedDRA version applies.
  1. (Coding data) If the transmitted data is encoded in Oracle InForm or in a coding application that is integrated with the InForm, map the <dsname>MedDRAVersion data series to an item that holds the version of the MedDRA dictionary used to encode the transmitted data.
    When you map the <dsname>MedDRAVersion data series, you signal Oracle Argus Safety that the corresponding data is encoded, and the coding module in Oracle Argus Safety does not encode the data.
  2. (Verbatim data) If you want the coding to take place in Oracle Argus Safety, do not map the <dsname>MedDRAVersion data series.
    Leaving the <dsname>MedDRAVersion data series unmapped signals Oracle Argus Safety that the corresponding data is verbatim and should be encoded in Oracle Argus Safety.