Map narrative items

  • Compound items are not supported as a narrative field.
  • Only one text item is supported as a narrative in an itemset in a Safety form.
  • Set NarrativeUpdatesOnly to Yes to sendnew narrative items as chronological follow-ups (incremental) to previous narrative submissions. When set to No, each new narrative item will be sent with all previous narrative item submissions chronologically attached (cumulative) in the same submission.


Multiple items can be mapped to the narrative at the case level. The contents of all mapped items will be concatenated together in the order the items appear on the form. Items on the AE form that need to be part of the narrative must be mapped at the Subject_AdverseEvent level. Only one item from each repeating section can be mapped at the Subject_Adverse Event level. These items will appear before any of the items mapped at this level in the narrative sent to Oracle Argus Safety.