Identifying user-defined functions and assemblies to update

To identify study and library projects that contain user-defined functions that need to be recompiled or assemblies that need to be secured and signed, run the ValidateCustomFunctionAssemblies.exe file after you upgrade the application server.


User-defined functions that refer to an unsupported Log4Net version must be recompiled or reconfigured to use the Oracle Central Designer Log4Net wrapper. For more information about the Log4Net wrapper, see the Rules Reference Guide.
  1. Locate the ValidateCustomFunctionAssemblies.exe file in the product ZIP file, in the InstallSupport directory.
  2. Copy the file and paste it to the bin folder in the directory in which you installed the Oracle Central Designer application.
  3. In a command prompt window, enter one of the following:
    • To view assemblies that reference the wrong Log4Net version, enter ValidateCustomFunctionAssemblies L.
    • To view assemblies with missing, invalid or untrusted signatures, enter ValidateCustomFunctionAssemblies S.
    • To view assemblies with invalid references to ExternalFunctions.dll, enter ValidateCustomFunctionAssemblies I.
    • To view all of the above, enter ValidateCustomFunctionAssemblies.
  4. When prompted, specify the following:
    • System username—system.
    • System password—Password that you specified on the Designer System User Password page during the Oracle Central Designer application installation.
    • Path for the output file, including file name—Location in which to save the output file that lists the study and library projects with user-defined functions that must be updated. For example, C:\Output\ValidateAssemblies.txt.
    A list of user-defined functions is generated.