Checklist—Planning a migration

  1. Export the Oracle Central Designer database user.


    You must perform this step. If the upgrade is not successful, you might need to restore the database to attempt to install again.
    Depending on the size of the database, this process could take several hours.


    Use the following command to export a user:

    expdp designer/designer@db1_dev1 directory=data_pump_dir schemas=DESIGNER dumpfile=file_to_export.dmp

    In this example, the user has the following information:

    • User name—designer
    • Database—db1_dev1:


    When you execute this command, you are prompted for the user password.
  2. If you are upgrading to an Oracle 19c database, create a new database instance with a 16k block size for the DESIGNER tablespace.
    For more information, see Create the database and tablespaces.
  3. If you are migrating to a new database, import the database user into the destination database server.
    Use the following command to import a database user into the destination database server:

    impdp designer/designer@db1_dev1 DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=file_to_export.dmp SCHEMAS=DESIGNER

    In this example, the user has the following information:

    • User name—designer
    • Database—db1_dev1


    When you execute this command, you are prompted for the user password.
  4. Import the Oracle Central Designer database. If you are migrating to the Oracle 19c database from 11g, re-map the tablespaces.
    Use the following command to import a database user into the destination database server:

    impdp designer/designer@db1_dev1 DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=file_to_export.dmp SCHEMAS=DESIGNER REMAP_TABLESPACE=DESIGNER_BIGINDEX:DESIGNER

    In this example, the user has the following information:

    • User name—designer
    • Database—db1_dev1


    When you execute this command, you are prompted for the user password.
  5. Make sure that the Cursor Sharing setting for the database instance is set properly.
  6. Unlock statistics for specific tables.
    Unlock statistics for the following tables:

    The upgrade process drops non-primary key indexes on the tables affected by the upgrade and recreates the indexes at the end of the process. If the index was originally defined with the COMPUTE STATISTICS clause, the recreation also attempts to COMPUTE STATISTICS. If statistics are locked, this process fails.

  7. Make sure that the database UNDO_MANAGEMENT initialization parameter is set to AUTO and the UNDO and TEMP tablespaces are set to autoextend.
    These settings are necessary for a successful upgrade.
  8. If you added any new indexes to the database, you must drop them before upgrading the application server to ensure that they do not cause conflicts with new indexes that have been added to the product.
    After the upgrade is finished, you can add the indexes back.
  9. Export custom reports definitions from the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application.
    For more information, see Upgrading custom reports definitions.
  10. Update data mappings with the PhysicalMappingType property set to All.
  11. (Recommended) Run the DetectStudiesWithUnitsWithSpaces.sql script to determine if any studies contain unit names with spaces.
    A validation check produces an error if a unit name contains a space. For more information, see Running the DetectStudiesWithUnitsWithSpaces.sql script.
  12. Run the application server installation to install the application server.
    For more information, see Installing the application server.
  13. If you dropped indexes from your database before upgrading, add them back in after you finish upgrading.
  14. Recompile user-defined functions and sign and secure user-defined function assemblies as needed.
    For more information, see Upgrading user-defined functions.
  15. Re-import custom reports definitions.
    For more information, see Upgrading custom reports definitions.
  16. If the web service authorization and deployment authorization certificates have expired, upgrade them.


    If the certificates are current, you can skip this step.
  17. Inform users that they can resume using the client applications.
For more information, see: