Updating data mappings with PhysicalMappingType set to All

If a study contains a data mapping for which PhysicalMappingType is set to All and you use the data mapping for both CDD and CIS, you must use the existing data mapping for one purpose only and create a new data mapping for the other purpose.

Because creating a new database for CDD is simpler, Oracle recommends using the existing data mapping for CIS and creating a new CDD data mapping and, if necessary, a new CDD database.

To modify the existing data mapping and create a new data mapping:

  1. To determine whether your database contains any data mappings for which PhysicalMappingType is set to All, before you upgrade, run the DetectStudiesWithPhysicalMappingAll.sql script, which is available in the InstallSupport directory on the product ZIP file.
  2. For each data mapping for which PhycialMappingType is set to All, change the PhysicalMappingType property of the data mapping from All to CIS.
    The CIS data mapping continues to work as expected, and you are able to perform resynchronizations with the CIS database.
  3. Create a new CDD data mapping.
  4. Copy the data sets in the CIS data mapping and paste them into the CDD data mapping.
    The RefNames of the data sets and their data series are appended with _1.
  5. If you deployed the study to the Oracle InForm application in an earlier release, remove the _1 appended text from the aliases of the data sets and data series in the CDD data mapping.


    Do not update the RefNames, or you will not be able to perform a CIS resynch after you deploy again to the Oracle InForm application.
  6. Deploy the study to the Oracle InForm application.
  7. Set up the new CDD database.


After you create a new data mapping for either CDD or CIS, you cannot perform a resynchronization with either the CDD or CIS database. You must create a new database for the new data mapping type.