Functions in rules and rule templates

To add functions to rule expressions, use one of the following:

  • For workflow rulesWorkflow Expression Editor dialog box.
  • For rule templatesEdit Rule Template dialog box > Definition tab.
  • For data-entry rules—Rule Wizard Expression tab > Functions tab.
  • For global conditionsEdit Global Conditions dialog box > Functions tab.

You can use the functions that are registered in a study and in the libraries that appear in the Libraries List in the Study Editor. Both predefined and user-defined functions appear in these locations:

  • In the Expression workplace. As you type, a list of the rule model components that you can use in the expression appears dynamically in the Expression workspace. When you select Functions and type a period, an alphabetical list of functions appears and is available for selection.
  • In the Functions tab. Predefined functions are listed by category. For more information, see Predefined functions in the system library.

You can incorporate functions in an expression using either location or by combining function information from both locations. Both dynamic expression prompts and the Functions tab appear in:

  • Expression tab of the Rule Wizard.
  • Workflow Expression Editor dialog box.
  • Edit Global Conditions dialog box.
  • Definition tab of the Edit Rule Template dialog box.

The list of functions is ordered in the following way:

  1. Functions in the study.
  2. Functions published in the first library on the Library List.
  3. Functions published in the second library on the Library List (and so on).