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Important study design considerations

Because a successful Inform to Argus Safety integration depends on your Central Designer study design, we suggest considering the following issues before adding items to the Adverse Event and Safety Case forms in Central Designer.

Include one or more Adverse Events per Argus case as needed

Each Argus case includes one study subject only, but it can also be made up of one or more adverse events per individual case.

Decide what information is relevant to send to Argus

Consider what other relevant information should go to Argus, such as medical history, concomitant medications, or lab results, and how this data should be selected (automatically via time frames or manually using a dynamic grid).

Decide whether the information should be sent automatically or via clinical judgment

Using a Safety Case form and a dynamic grid, allows you to give InForm site users the option of selecting the specific adverse events and other information they want to send to Argus, as opposed to only sending relevant data automatically based on time frames.

Fine tune your rules

When creating the rules that define the behavior of your Argus Safety integration, ask yourself relevant questions, such as: Should only serious adverse events go to Argus? Are there multiple death or autopsy dates in your study design? Do you need to create rules to copy data from one place to another?

Consider what items need to be mapped to which data series

In addition to items in your forms that need to be mapped to the specific types of data series that are being sent, items should be mapped to the appropriate data series in one of the following Argus Safety data sets available in Central Designer:

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