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Viewing a list of InForm Adapters

You view a list of InForm Adapters from the Adapter List page.

  1. Select Admin > InForm.

    If more than one InForm Adapter is installed, the Adapter List page appears and displays a list of InForm Adapters. If only one InForm Adapter is installed, the InForm Admin Adapter page appears.

  2. To view a list of end points, click End Points.

    The view changes to a list of end points for enabled adapters and displays the following information:

    • Adapter—Name of the InForm Adapter for the InForm end point (trial).
    • URL—Location where the adapter is installed.
    • End Point—InForm trial for the adapter.
    • Status—Displays a green check mark if the end point status is OK or a red X if the end point status is Error.
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