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Corresponding Clintrial and InForm metadata objects

Clintrial study book attributes, context parameters, system parameters and various object properties correlate Clintrial metadata objects to corresponding InForm metadata objects.

Clintrial metadata object

InForm metadata object

Protocol (type 1 only - clinical data protocol)


Study book

Study version.

Page template


Page section (panel types 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)




Derived item

Calculated control where the rule defined for the calculated control will reference the name of the DEPP.

Field label

Item question.

Repeating items


Codelist associated with an item (aggregated, unaggregated)

Radio group, checkbox group, or pulldown control, depending on the number of entries contained in the codelist and the options specified when importing the protocol.

Codelist associated with an item (view)

Single radio button with label text Empty View Codelist. The reference to the codelist is preserved in the properties for the item in the data mappings object.

Checklist associated with an item with Override attribute set

Radio group containing:

  • Pulldown control containing the choices of the checklist.
  • Text box labeled Other that accepts user input.

In-panel master-detail page section


Cross-panel master-detail page sections

Itemsets (many side) and items (one side) with panels and panel relationships defined through mappings

Date field, complete

Date field.

Date field, incomplete

String field.

Rule or derivations

Rule of type Clintrial Rule or Clintrial Derivation.

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