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CIS processing for updated attachments to rules or derivations

When the CIS software receives an updated Clintrial rule or derivation attachment in which the value of the ACTIVE attribute is True, it applies the updated script to all Clintrial panels to which the attachment maps.

Note: The CIS software does not remove a rule from a panel; if the value of the ACTIVE attribute is False, it takes no action. To remove a rule from a panel, use the Clintrial Design module. Also, the set of Clintrial panels to which a rule or derivation is applied is determined by using the mappings that exist at the time the attachment is processed. If mappings later change, CIS does not move the rule or derivation to different panels based on the new mappings.

When the Clintrial software receives an attachment through synchronization, it does not automatically run the rule or derivation.

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