Sites, labs, depots, settings, and user management

Download Order form button and PDF exhibit inconsistent behavior

Unblinded depot users: From now on, the Download Order Form button is displayed and active for all shipments that you can download an order form for. Furthermore, the data displayed in the downloaded order form is also consistent with the details associated with the shipments. Previously, not only did the Download Order Form button appear inactive for certain types of shipments, the data displayed in the order form was not consistent between shipment status, resupply type, number of kits in shipment, and much more.

Both of these issues are now fixed. (Issue 32188978)

Shipment Order Form now properly updated

Clinical supply managers and unblinded depot users: Upon updating the contents of a shipment, you are now prompted to update the associated order form right away, as well. This ensures that the Shipment Order Form is always updated with the latest changes you performed to any requested shipments.

For more details on this new enhancement, see Update the order form after the shipment request has been changed. (Issue 29903057)

Cannot view full names of certain lab tests (former known issue)

Site users or data managers: When defining lab normals for certain lab tests that have similar and very long names, you can now properly view full names of those lab tests in order to differentiate between the two. Previously, you could not view and differentiate the two names, so you did not know which test to select to define lab normals for its.

For example, there were two lab tests with the following names: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin. On the Sites & Labs tab, on the Lab Tests column, you may have noticed that you cannot expand or hover over the two lab test names to determine which one was Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration and which one was Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin. Instead, both lab tests appeared as Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 32267363)

Creator of assigned query can answer the query (former known issue)

Sponsor users: Now, when you create a query and assign it to a specific user role in a study, only users with that specific role and the appropriate permissions can answer that assigned query. Previously, you were able to answer that assigned query yourself and that was not the expected product behavior.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 32415778)

Any user with the right permission can close an assigned query (former known issue)

Sponsor users: Now, as the creator of an assigned query (assigned with the appropriate Close Queries permission), you are the only one who can close an assigned query. Previously, any user in a study who was assigned the Close Queries permission could have closed an assigned query that you created.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 32415792)