An error occurs when I try to randomize a subject

If an error occurs when you try to randomize, the subject might have arrived outside the visit window, or the site might have insufficient stock to dispense kits.

If you are able to click Randomize, and Oracle Clinical One Platform says you can't randomize the subject, check that the subject arrived within the visit window. If the visit also includes dispensation, and the study protocol doesn't allow dispensation outside the visit window, the subject can't be randomized.

If the subject arrived within the visit window, or the study protocol allows dispensation outside the visit window, check your stock against the shipments listed in Oracle Clinical One Platform.

  • If you have a shipment waiting to be marked as received, register the shipment, and then randomize the subject again.
  • If there are no shipments waiting to be marked as received in Oracle Clinical One Platform, and the study doesn't allow randomization when a required kit type is unavailable, contact your CRA for further instruction. You will have to randomize the subject again at a later time.