Review a query, and either close or re-open it

After a site answers a query, you should review their answer, and then either close the query (if the answer is acceptable) or reopen the query (if the conversation with the site must continue). This procedure also applies to rollover studies.

  1. On the Home page, determine where to work:
    • To work with real data in Production mode, click the title of the study.
    • To work with mock data in Testing mode, click the Testing Mode button (beaker) on the study.
    • To work with mock data in Training mode, click the Training Mode button (graduation cap button) on the study.
  2. Along the top, make sure Subjects is selected.
  3. From the Site drop-down, select a site.
  4. In the lower right, expand Queries.
  5. From the status filter at the top of the list of queries and on the right, select Answered.
  6. Find the query in the list, and click on it to expand its details.
  7. Click on the menu icon (Menu icon) and select one of the following options:


    If an item with an open or answered query becomes unavailable through the User Interface (UI), either the question gets removed from design or hidden by user's action, you will not be able to View it or manage it directly from the form. Choose Close from the menu options to close it directly from the sidebar instead.

    Keep in mind that, considering the same scenario, if you choose to Re-Open the query it is still going to be inaccessible through the UI.

  8. If you choose to View the query in the form, or access the query directly within the visit, review the answer provided by the site and take appropriate action:
    • If the issue identified in the query is resolved, click Close Query , add a comment and Submit.

      The status of the query changes to Closed. Closed queries appear in the Queries section with a green check mark.

    • If the issue identified in the query is not resolved, click Re-Open, add a comment and Submit.

      The status of the query changes back to Open.