Interface Procedures to Be Maintained by the Customer

The following procedures maintain referential integrity between Oracle Clinical and another customer application. You must maintain independence between Oracle-supplied code and customer applications, while maintaining referential integrity and complying with site support agreement rules. These requirements are provided for by a set of database procedures that can be maintained and used either by Oracle or by the customer.

The following sections list each test or update separately; in the actual implementation some are merged. Local procedures may differ, but the parameters and procedure names are fixed.

Prevent Study Deletion

Prevents a study from being deleted by checking in related tables in non-Oracle Clinical applications before a clinical study is deleted. Only a return value of OK allows the study to be deleted; anything else means failure.

  • LocalStudyDeletion.LocalDeletionOK
  • Param = nStudyId in number(10)

vReturnMsg out Char(60)

Delete Interface Records

Deletes records from the OCL tables used by Oracle Clinical. A return value of DONE means that everything worked correctly; anything else means failure.

  • LocalStudyDeletion.DeleteOCLRecords
  • Param = nStudyId in number(10)

vReturnMsg out Char(60)

Delete Local Records

Deletes clinical study-related records from non-Oracle Clinical tables when a clinical study is deleted. A return value of DONE means that everything worked correctly; anything else means failure.

  • LocalStudyDeletion.DeletelocalRecords
  • Param = nStudyId in number(10)

vReturnMsg out Char(60)

Prevent Region Deletion

Checks if a region can be deleted based on local usage. A return value of DONE means that everything worked correctly; anything else means failure.

  • LocalRegionUpdateDeletion.LocalRegDeletionOK
  • Param = nRegionId in number(10)

vRegionCode in char(7)

vReturnMsg out Char(60)

Update Region Code

Applies a cascade update when a region code is changed.

  • LocalRegionUpdateDeletion.LocalRegionCascadeUpdate
  • Param = vOldRegionCode in varchar2(7)

vNewRegionCode in varchar2(7)

vReturnMsg out varchar2(60)

Treatment Pattern Deletion Check

Checks if a treatment pattern can be deleted based on local usage. A return value of DONE means that everything worked correctly; anything else means failure.

  • LocalTreatPattDeletion.LocalTreatPattDeletion
  • Param = nTreatPattId in number(10)

vReturnMsg out char(60)

Treatment Assignment Deletion Check

Checks if a treatment assignment can be deleted based on local usage. A return value of DONE means everything worked correctly; anything else means failure.

  • LocalTreatAssnDeletion.LocalTreatAssnDeletionOK
  • Param = nTreatAssNum in number(10)

vStartCode in char(10)

vreturnMsg out char(60)

Get the Value of a Study Site Code

Supplies the value of a STUDY_SITE code.

  • LocalStudySite.GetStudySite
  • Param = vStudySite in varchar2 (10)

nStudyId in number(10)

vSiteCode in varchar2(10)

nSiteId in number(10)

vTestProd in varchar2(1)

vReturnStudySite out varchar2(10)

Validate a Study Site Code

Validates a STUDY_SITE code. A return value of OK means the value is acceptable.

  • LocalStudySite.ValidateStudySite
  • Param = vStudyCode in varchar2(10)

nStudyId in number(10)

vSiteCode in varchar2(10)

nSiteId in number(10)

vTestProd in varchar2(1)

vStudySite in varchar2(10)

vReturnMsg out varchar2(60)

Check That a Study Site Code Can Be Changed

Checks whether a STUDY_SITE code can be changed.

  • LocalStudySite.ChangeStudySite
  • Param = vStudyCode in varchar2(10)

nStudyId in number(10)

vSiteCode in varchar2(10)

nSiteId in number(10)

vTestProd in varchar2 1)

vOldStudySite in varchar2(10)

vNewStudySite in varchar2(10)

vReturnMsg out varchar2(60)