
This structure contains the key values of the RDCM record being created or modified by SetRdcm.


typedef struct rdcm_keys_record
  DCAPIFlag blank_flag ;
  char qualifying_val[71] ;
  char dsp_lab[27] ;
  char visit_name[21] ;
  short int subevent_number ;  
  char dcm_date[DATE_SIZE + 1] ; 
  char dcm_time[TIME_SIZE + 1] ; 
  char comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1] ;
  char data_comment[COMMENT_SIZE + 1] ;
  AuditInfo   audit ;      
} RdcmKeysRecord;


The parameters qualifying_val, dsp_lab, visit_name, subevent_number, dcm_date, and dcm_time are only applicable if the current DCM needs them to be collected. Otherwise they must be passed in to any API function as null values. Passing a non-null value for any of these items when it is not applicable will cause the API function to fail. A null value for a character array field is the null ("") string. For integers use -1 to indicate a null value.

blank_flag (in): Value passed in is TRUE or FALSE.

qualifying_val (in):

dsp_lab (in):

visit_name (in):

subevent_number (in):

dcm_date (in):

dcm_time (in):

comment (in):

data_comment (in):

audit (in): A parameter of type AuditInfo, which tracks audit information about the RDCM changes.

Used in Function
