14 Data Extract

Oracle Clinical's Data Extract subsystem is a set of facilities to present patient and clinical study data that meets the demands of external applications related to statistical analysis and reporting. Oracle Clinical presents the data for external access through standard and custom database views created in study access accounts.

Oracle Clinical stores data in tables that are normalized and generic, in that the underlying table structure of the data is the same from one study to another.

This chapter describes the design side of these data extract features and processes. For runtime data extract tasks see the Oracle Clinical Conducting a Study manual. See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for information on regenerating and updating views.

Views created before Oracle Clinical Release 3.1 ("pre-3.1 views") continue to be supported, although you cannot have pre-3.1 views in the same study as views created in Release 3.1 and later. As of Release 3.1, Oracle Clinical creates views in the View Builder.

The View Builder is a toolkit that provides the means to perform the following tasks:

  • Customize and interactively view default, DCM-based views.

  • Create Questions derived at the time of data extract.

  • Customize how views are created by, for example:

    • controlling the view mode

    • controlling the view granted for view access

    • controlling the default attributes of the view's Questions.

  • Create Cross-study views by program, project, or user-defined study set.

View data can be transferred into database tables for better system performance during user analysis, reporting, and browsing operations.

For more information, see: