Maintaining Patient Positions

Patient positions are codes that represent the patients enrolled in a study. They are used as the unique ID for patients enrolled in a study.

To see consolidated information about the patient positions in a study, navigate to the Design menu, select Patient Positions, then Patients, and then click the Patient Positions button.

This section describes the following Patient Position maintenance tasks:

Creating Patient Positions

You can create patient position code assignments that end in consecutive, system-generated numbers, or you can use your own format.

For more information, see:

Creating Patient Positions with System-Generated Codes

Use the Create and Delete Patient Positions window to create multiple patient positions at once, with codes that are either entirely numerical or that have a single character at the beginning.

To specify the number of patient positions to create:

  1. From the Design menu, select Patient Positions, then select Create/Delete Patients.

  2. Select the study to modify, if necessary.

  3. Click the Create Positions button.

    The system displays the current Screening, Patients, and Replacement patient positions assigned to the study on the left side of the window.

  4. On the right side of the window, make sure the Location to Own Patients is correct. For each grouping of patient positions:

    1. Specify the number of patient positions to create in the Number to Create field.

    2. Specify the code assignment of the first patient position to create in the Start [Scr|Repl] Patient field.

      You can specify just a number, or you can add an optional single-letter alphabetical prefix such as S for Screening patients and R for Replacements, or the code name of the study or site.


      Do NOT include a slash (/) in the patient code as that will cause the Patient Data Report generation to fail.

      The system generates consecutive integers, appended to your prefix, if any. For example:

      Current Number Number to Create Start Patient Positions Created




      1, 2, 3, 4, 5




      R1, R2, R3, R4, R5

    3. Click the Create Positions button.

  5. Click the Back button.

If you enter a patient code that is already in use, the system returns an error.

If any patient position has a patient code that matches a treatment code on a treatment assignment, the system links them. The system reports how many Screening, Normal, and Replacement patient positions it creates.

To display the existing patient position blocks in a study, from the Design menu, select Studies, choose Easy Design, and click the Display PP button. To display individual patient position details, from the Design menu, select Patient Positions, and choose Patients (Patient Positions button). Oracle Clinical generates the patient position codes in each block, incrementing each successive code by one. The system displays an alert upon completion of the task.

See Deleting System-Generated Patient Positions.

Creating Patient Positions with User-Defined Codes

Use the Alpha Patient Codes window to create patient position codes if the Oracle Clinical-generated codes do not conform to your organization's coding format. You can create codes of mixed characters and numbers with a maximum length of 10. You must create patient positions one at a time.


The only way to delete patients positions with alpha codes is by selecting one patient at a time in this window and choosing Delete Record from the Data menu.

  1. From the Design menu, select Patient Positions, then select Alpha Patient Codes.
  2. Select the study to modify, if necessary.
  3. Click the Patient Positions button. The system displays all existing patient positions, including site/Investigator assignments.
  4. From the Data menu, choose Insert Record.
  5. Enter the new patient position code in the column labeled Patient. The code can have up to ten characters. You must enter the complete patient position code. The system does not append anything.


    Do NOT include a slash (/) in the patient code as that will cause the Patient Data Report generation to fail.

  6. Select the Scr? box to designate the patient position as a Screening position.
  7. Select the Repl? box to designate the patient position as a Replacement position.
  8. You can assign the position to a site in this window. Use the list function to select a study site.
  9. If you assign the patient position to a site, you can use the list function to assign an Investigator from this site.

    Repeat Steps 4-9 as often as necessary to enter all the patient positions you need.

  10. Save.

Marking Patients Eligible for Source Data Verification

If you are using a Patient Source Data Verification plan, you must choose a method to make particular patients eligible for 100% source data verification (SDV). Patients are considered to be eligible for SDV when an eligibility date is entered for their patient position. If the SDV plan for a study site specifies an initial number of patients and/or a selection rate, patients are not considered for automatic selection until they become eligible. If you manually select patients for SDV, either in the RDC SDV Plan interface or through a batch job, RDC does not present those patients as requiring verification until they are also eligible.

When you tag a patient as eligible through any of the procedures presented in this section, you must enter an Eligible Date with a non-blank value. If the patient is evaluated and considered ineligible for SDV based on your eligibility criteria, then you must enter a date in the Ineligible Date field.


If you receive an error message saying that updates are pending for one or more patients in the study and to try again later, you can resolve the problem by running the Execute Pending Patient Updates job under Conduct, Security, Execute Pending Patient Updates.

You can make Patient Positions eligible using one of the following methods:

Manual Set Up

From Design, select Patient Positions, then select Patients, and then click the Patient Positions button. You can enter an eligibility date in the Patient Positions window for one or more patients at the same time.

Validation Procedure

You can make patients eligible for SDV as data is actually entered for them and they meet the criteria you define by creating a validation or derivation procedure for this purpose that populates a column in the PATIENT_POSITIONS table:

  • Populate the SDV_ELIGIBLE_DATE column to make the patient eligible for automatic selection for SDV on the date entered.
  • Populate SDV_INELIGIBLE_DATE column to prevent the patient from being selected for SDV.

For example:

  • Eligible: If the Demography CRF is completed only after the Screening CRF is completed satisfactorily, you could write a procedure to make the patient eligible when data is entered and saved for the Demography CRF.
  • Ineligible: If the responses in the Screening CRF are unsatisfactory, make the patient ineligible. If you have an existing screening procedure, you may wish to simply update that procedure. (RDC reports, but does not otherwise use this value.)

Finally, you can have your procedure populate the SDV_PROC_VERS column to indicate which version of your procedure derived the patient eligibility or ineligibility.

The eligibility procedure must be written to ensure that the SDV Eligible Date and SDV Ineligible Date fields do not both have not-null values at the same time. If one date is entered, the other must be null.

Using the OCL_UTILS Utility

Call the OCL_UTILS.UPDATE_SDV_PAT procedure from the utility to populate the SDV Eligibility or SDV Ineligibility fields dynamically. The OCL_UTILS procedure is compiled in the RXC user schema and located in the server code ($RXC_INSTALL).

  1. Write a procedure that will be triggered by data you choose. See Procedure Example below.
  2. Define your procedure to call the OCL_UTILS.UPDATE_SDV_PAT procedure, providing the input parameters as shown in Table 4-1. Pass a single date to the procedure. Whether to treat the date as an Eligibility date or an Ineligibility date depends on the flag setting.

Table 4-1 Parameters in OCL_UTILS.UPDATE_SDV_PAT procedure

Parameter Description Example Values


T - Test mode

P - Production Mode



Position ID for the patient that should be updated


Proc Version

Version of the procedure


SDV Eligible Date

Date of SDV Eligibility OR Ineligibility


SDV Eligibility Flag

If Y, treat the date as an Eligibility date.

If N, treat the date as an Ineligibility date.

Y or N

Procedure Example

For example, using expression as SEX = F and A as alias for a DCM Question Group, you can add the following lines to your procedure to update the SDV Eligibility Date, SDV Ineligibility Date, and the Procedure Version number for a patient:

If A.SEX = 'F'
n_id, rxcpdstd.V_PROCEDURE_VERSION_SN,to_date(DE.DCM_DATE,'YYYYMMDD'),'Y');
n_id, rxcpdstd.V_PROCEDURE_VERSION_SN,to_date(DE.DCM_DATE,'YYYYMMDD'),'N');

See Validation and Derivation Procedures.

Batch Load Job

You can use this option to submit a Patient SDV Import. Select Design, then Patient Positions and then Load Patient SDV Attributes. Enter the study for which to run the batch job. The parameters required are:

  • Name of the Patient SDV File.

  • Allow batch upload to over-write eligibility values? Choose Y for the values specified in the input file to overwrite current values in the Patient Positions table.

Patient SDV File

You can load a Patient SDV File to accomplish either or both of the following functions, depending upon the parameters you elect to use for each patient code:

  • Make patients eligible or ineligible for SDV

  • Select patients for 100% SDV

Make sure the data in the file you use matches the study for which you import it, otherwise the job will fail. For more on the location of the file see "Setting Up File and Image Viewing" in the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide.

The input file content must be comma delimited and any comment inserted must be preceded by the hash key (#). The file must have the following fields for each record:

  • Study (mandatory)

  • Patient Code (mandatory)

  • SDV Eligible Date (optional) in the DD-MON-YYYY format

  • SDV Ineligible Date (optional) in the DD-MON-YYYY format

  • Procedure Version (optional). This field would ordinarily be used if you are using a validation procedure to set SDV eligibility. It allows you to record the version responsible for making a patient SDV eligible or ineligible.

    However, you may want to establish a convention for values to be placed in this field when Eligible or Ineligible dates are either manually updated or imported. For example, '0' could be used to indicate that the date was not specified by the eligibility procedure

  • SDV Requirement (optional). There are two valid values: SDVSelect and SDVExclude:


The Import processes each patient individually, as follows:

  • If values are specified for one or more of the 3 eligibility parameters (and the patient doesn't already have a value for the corresponding parameter, or you've indicated existing values should be over-written), the patient positions table is updated.

  • If a value is specified for SDV Requirement, an update is made to a new or existing draft Patient SDV plan, as shown in the table below:

    Table 4-2 Values for the SDV Requirement parameter and results in the Draft and Production Plans

    Import file value for Parameter SDV Requirement Pending Action in Draft Plan Selection Status when the Plan Becomes Production





    Import Exclusion

    Import Excluded

  • An action may not be taken for a patient position in some circumstances as listed below. In these cases, a warning message is issued to the batch job's log file.

    • The study is frozen

    • Allow batch upload to over-write eligibility values? = n, and the patient already has a value for an eligibility parameter specified in the file

    • Both an eligible and an ineligible date are specified for a patient

    • A patient is already selected for SDV in the existing draft or published SDV plan

    • The specified patient has not been assigned to a site

Introducing a Patient SDV Plan in an Ongoing Study

Following are two options for introducing a patient SDV plan in an ongoing study.

  • Create an eligibility procedure for an existing DCI

    This will calculate eligibility for both existing and new patients.

  • Use a different approach for current vs. new patients

    For new patients, create a new DCI with a new eligibility procedure.

    For existing patients, manually specify or import the SDV eligibility status.

Once you have implemented your eligibility methodology, there are two other steps to be completed before SDV patient auto-selection can begin for a study-site:

  • "Schedule the Pending Patient Updates job" in the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide

  • Publish a patient SDV plan for the study site

For information on how patient auto-selection works, refer to "Auto-selecting Patients for SDV" in Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite User's Guide.

Also, see more about "Publishing SDV plans for all Sites" in Oracle Clinical Conducting a Study.

Assigning Patient Positions to Sites

This section describes several approaches to assigning patient positions to sites. Since only one Investigator can be in charge of a site for a particular study, by assigning a patient position to a study site, you also assign it to an Investigator. You can make this assignment from two different environments in Oracle Clinical.

For more information, see:

Assigning Patient Positions from the Study Sites Window

To assign patient positions to sites and Investigators:

  1. From the Design menu, select Investigators and Sites, then choose Study Sites.
  2. Select the study, if necessary.
  3. Click the Patients button. The system displays the current patient positions and their site assignments.
  4. Assign the patient positions to the site by selecting the Assign? box.
  5. Save.

Assigning Patient Positions from the Patient Positions Window

  1. From the Design menu, select Patient Positions, then select Study Site Relations.
  2. Select the study, if necessary.
  3. Click the Patients button. The system displays the existing patient positions available to the site.
  4. Assign the patient positions to the site by selecting the Assign? box.
  5. Save.

Assigning Patient Positions by Range

You can also assign a range of positions to a study site. To select a range of patient positions or screening patient positions to link to the selected study site:

  1. From the Design menu, select Patient Positions, then choose Study Site Relations.
  2. Click the Sites button.
  3. Select the study site.
  4. Click the Patient Ranges button. The left side of the window displays the current state of the system and refreshes each time you make a change.
  5. Define the treatment range on the right side of the window.
  6. Click the Assign Patients button. The system removes the instructions as it acts on them.

Assigning New Blocks of Patient Positions

From the Design menu, select Investigators and Sites, then select Study Sites, and click the New Patients button. Enter the number of patients and the start number. Then click the Assign Patients button to assign them to the study site.

Changing Owning Locations

If you are replicating data among many locations, you must create all patient positions required for a study at the study-owning location. However, users at other locations can use only patient positions that are owned by their location. You must therefore change the ownership of the patient positions required by all other locations.

After you assign a patient position to a non-study-owning location, you cannot change its owning location again unless you first reassign it to the study-owning location; see Retrieving Patient Positions.

To change a specified number of patient positions from the current location to another:

  1. From the Design menu, select Patient Positions, then select Create/Delete Patients.

  2. Select the study to modify, if necessary.

  3. Click the Change Owning Location button.

    The system displays the current Screening, Patients, and Replacement patient positions assigned to the study on the left side of the window. On the right side of the window, for each grouping of patient positions, enter:

    1. the number of patient positions to change in the Number to Update field.

    2. the starting assignment code of the first patient position in the Start field.

  4. Click the Change Owning Location button.

Retrieving Patient Positions

If you are replicating data among many locations, the study-owning location controls the assignments of all patient positions. If a patient position owned by a different location must change ownership, the study-owning location must reclaim, or retrieve, ownership of the patient position first. This utility is only available at the study-owning site.

To retrieve patient positions, from the Design menu, select Patient Positions, then select Retrieve Patients.

  1. Use the list function to select the site that currently owns the patient position. The system populates the Source Study Title field.
  2. Use the list function to select the study that owns the patient position. If there is only one study at that site, the system populates the field for you.
  3. Click the Retrieve Patients button.
  4. Save.

Deleting Patient Positions

You can delete a patient position only if its patient enrolled date is not set, and no received DCIs exist for the patient. If you delete a patient position, the system breaks any links to treatment assignments or study sites.

To view existing patient positions, from the Design menu, select Patient Positions, then choose Patients.

You can delete multiple patient positions, including those with an alphabetical prefix, at the same time if:

  • they were generated by the system (not created individually in the Alpha Patient Codes window)
  • they are sequential

If the patient positions have alpha codes, you must delete them one by one in the Alpha Patient Codes window (see Deleting Alpha Code Patient Positions).

For more information, see:

Deleting System-Generated Patient Positions

To delete system-generated patient positions:

  1. From the Design menu, select Patient Positions, then select Create/Delete Patients.

  2. Select the study to modify, if necessary.

  3. Click the Delete Positions button.

    The system displays the current Screening, Normal, and Replacement patient positions assigned to the study on the left side of the window.

    On the right side of the window, for each grouping of patient positions, specify:

    1. the number of patient positions to delete in the Number to Delete field.

    2. the code of the first patient position to delete in the Number to Delete Start field.

  4. Click the Delete Positions button.

  5. If necessary, repeat this process for patient positions not included in these sequences.

Deleting Alpha Code Patient Positions

To delete patient positions with user-specified alpha codes (see Creating Patient Positions with User-Defined Codes), you must go to the Alpha Patient Codes window and delete them one at a time:

  1. From the Design menu, select Patient Positions, and choose Alpha Patient Codes [Patient Positions].
  2. Select the patient position you want to delete.
  3. From the Data menu, choose Delete Record.

    Repeat Steps 3 and 4 as many times as necessary to delete all the patient positions you need to delete.

  4. Save.

Enrolling Patients in a Study

Patient positions are codes that represent the people you enroll in a study. They are used as the unique IDs. You enroll a patient in a study by entering any of the following data against a patient position:

  • Patient enrollment date
  • Patient's last name
  • Patient's initials
  • Patient's data of birth


    Although Patient Initials and Date of Birth are optional in Oracle Clinical, you may want to make a policy to always enter them because they are required by Oracle Clinical Labs functionality and by Siebel Clinical; see Lab Ranges and Integrating with a Clinical Trial Management System.

You can enroll patients in several ways, including:

  • During study design in the Maintain Patient Positions window. See Adding Patient Position Details for more information.
  • As a batch job. See Batch Load Patient Enrollment Dates for more information.
  • During initial login and data entry in Oracle Clinical. See Oracle Clinical Conducting a Study for more information.
  • During data entry in Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture. See the Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture User's Guide and Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Classic Data Entry User's Guide for more information.
  • Using a derivation procedure that reads the response value of a Question that collects the enrollment date and populates the value of the PATIENT_ENROLLMENT_DATE column in the PATIENT_POSITIONS.

You can view enrollment information in Labs, Lab Assignment Criteria, View Patient Positions. See Missing Data in Patient Positions for more information.

The system requires that you update the PATIENT_STATUS_CODE column of the PATIENT_STATUSES table to determine when patients are enrolled in a study for the purpose of the enrollment form and reports. You can define additional patient statuses and update them as appropriate for each user. See Maintaining Patient Statuses for more information.

In this section, see:

Adding Patient Position Details

To enroll patients in a study you must associate them with a patient position. You can do this in the Maintain Patient Positions window. To access the Maintain Patient Positions window, from the Design menu, select Patient Positions, then Patients, and then click Patient Positions. If necessary, select a study from the Special menu.

The Maintain Patient Positions window displays the patient positions that are owned by your location. The following fields are display-only:

  • Patient: A unique code for an existing patient position.

  • Scr'ing?: (Screening) If selected, the patient position was created for a Screening patient.

  • Repl-ment?: (Replacement) If selected, the patient position was created for a Replacement patient.

You can enter values for a particular patient in the following fields:

  • Enrollment Date: Date (DD-MON-YYYY) when the patient enrolled in the study. This is optional except when the Patient Position is associated with a Lab Assignment Criteria. You cannot change this field if the Frozen? is checked. You can specify search criteria in this field. You can use a derivation procedure—based on the response to a DCM Question—to complete this field.

  • Birth Date: This is optional except when the Patient Position is associated with a Lab Assignment Criteria. You cannot change this field if Frozen? is checked. For query tasks, you can specify search criteria in this field.

  • Sex: The patient's gender. This is optional. Acceptable values are M (Male) and F (Female). The system may use the value in this field to determine the appropriate normal range for a patient's laboratory responses. You cannot change this field if Frozen? is checked. You can specify search criteria in this field and can use a derivation procedure—based on the response to a DCM Question—to complete this field automatically.

  • Inits: The patient's initials. This is optional.It accepts up to 4 characters of mixed case. You cannot change this field if Frozen? is checked. For query tasks, you can specify search criteria in this field.

  • Frozen?: If checked, the system prevents any changes to the data for this patient. This is a display-only field.

  • Efficacy: If checked, this patient's data is included in an efficacy analysis.

  • Safety: If checked, this patient's data is included in a safety analysis.

  • I/E Date: The date (DD-MON-YYYY) when the decision was made to include or exclude this patient's data in efficacy and/or safety analyses. You can edit this field only if the patient's Frozen? field is unchecked.

  • Term Date: The date (DD-MON-YYYY) the patient was terminated from this clinical study. This is an optional field. You can use a derivation procedure, based on the response to a DCM Question, to complete this field automatically.

  • Reported Reference: An optional, additional patient identifier (up to 25 characters), which can be displayed in RDC Onsite. See "Adding a Customized Reference Field to the Search Pane." in RDC Onsite Administrator's Guide. You can edit this field only if the patient's Frozen? field is unchecked.

  • First Name: The patient's given name. This field is optional.It can contain up to 15 characters of mixed case. You can edit this field only if the patient's Frozen? field is unchecked. You can specify search criteria in this field.

  • Last Name: The patient's family name. This field is optional. It can contain up to 15 characters of mixed case. You canedit this field only if the patient's Frozen? field is unchecked. You can specify search criteria in this field.

  • Death Date: The date (DD-MON-YYYY) the patient died.

  • Owning Location: The code of the database location that owns this patient position.

  • DCI Book Name: The DCI Book assigned to this patient position. The list of values includes active DCI Books associated with the study.

Batch Load Patient Enrollment Dates

If you have an ASCII data file of patients' enrollment dates containing patient codes and dates, either from a phone enrollment or external randomization system, you can use the Load Patient Enrollment Dates PSUB submission window to load them into the system.

Load the file into the directory specified in the BDL_ROOT setting of the OCL_STATE local reference codelist. If BDL_USERDIRS in the same codelist is set to Y, load the file into the user-specific subdirectory for the user who will run the job. See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for more information.

Use the following format for batch loading patient enrollment dates:

  • Study Code – 15 characters

  • Patient Code – 10 characters

  • Enrollment Date – YYYYMMDD

  • Sex (optional) – M or F

  • Birth Date – YYYYMMDD (optional)

To run the batch load, from the Design menu, select Patient Positions, then select Load Enrollment Dates. The system sets the enrollment date on the patient position. The system ignores a date if it matches the date from the file. If the dates are different, the system records the date and generates an error in the log file.


Do not leave an empty line in the load file. The system treats each line in the load file as a record. If there is an empty line, the system takes that as an empty record and displays an error.

Linking Patient Positions in Different Studies

You can define patient positions in different studies to be the same person. The Link Patient Position utility enables you to link the records for the two patient position codes together. You can link any number of patients together, but if you attempt to link patient positions with different dates of birth or sex, the system prompts you to verify your request. Two situations where you may need to do this are:

  • Tracking a patient's participation in Phase 1 or volunteer studies

  • Rollover studies where patients are in two successive studies

From the Design menu, select Patient Positions, and select Link Patient Positions. You can indicate that the data collected from more than one patient position code originates from the same patient. Your company must write an extract macro, incorporating the primary key CLINICAL_SUBJECT_ID, to process the link you make here. For instance, you can combine screening data recorded against a screening patient position code with randomized data recorded against a regular patient position code, or link data from a short term and rollover study. Choose a study, then click the Patient Positions button. Select the patient to link to another patient position.

To link patient positions:

  1. Following the path given earlier, select the study, if it differs from the study of the current session.
  2. Click the Patient Positions button.
  3. Select the patient position to link to another patient position.
  4. Click the Link to Other Patients button.
  5. Enter the study name that contains the target patient position. Use the list function to view a list of available studies.
  6. Enter the patient position code for the target patient position.
  7. Save.
  8. Repeat this procedure for each link.

Since your study may require that you not divulge information about patients that could identify them, the system limits you to indicating that the same patient fills two or more patient positions.

Assigning Patient Positions to DCI Books

Oracle Clinical 4.6 adds the option to assign or reassign groups of Patient Positions by range, site, or study.

Navigate to Design, Patient Positions, Patients. Select a study and then click the Patient Positions button to open the Maintain Patient Positions window. Click the Assign DCI Book button to open the Maintain DCI Book Assignments window.

For example, if an active study definition changes because of a protocol amendment, groups of patient positions may require changes to a unique set or sequence of data collection. In previous releases of Oracle Clinical, you assigned patient positions individually, which could be difficult for large studies. Oracle Clinical 4.6 allows you to assign groups of patient positions in one operation.

For more information, see:

Assigning Patient Positions by Range

To assign a sequential range of patient positions:

  1. Choose Patient Range in the Patient Selection Panel.
  2. Enter a Patient Position or choose one in the from list of values.
  3. Enter a Patient Position or choose one in the to list of values.
  4. Enter, or choose All, Unassigned, or a valid Book name from the Patients Assigned To Book list of values.
  5. Enter or choose a Target Book from the Target Book list of values.
  6. Click Assign Book.

Assigning Patient Positions by Site

To assign all of the patient positions from one site:

  1. Click All Patients at Site button.
  2. Enter a site or choose one in the Select Site list of values.
  3. Enter, or choose All, Unassigned, or a valid Book name from the Patients Assigned To Book list of values.
  4. Enter or choose a Target Book from the Target Book list of values.
  5. Click Assign Book.

Assigning Patient Positions by Study

To assign whole study populations to a new casebook:

  1. Click All Patients for this Study button.
  2. Enter, or choose All, Unassigned, or a valid Book name from the Patients Assigned To Book list of values.
  3. Enter or choose a Target Book from the Target Book list of values.
  4. Click Assign Book.