Adding the opapps User to the OCLSASCR User Group

Add the opapps user to the OCLSASCR user group to give the user access to the RXC_USER directories that hold the SAS Data Extract Views. The OCLSASCR user group is created as part of the Oracle Clinical installation and has all the privileges required to use SAS. See the Oracle Clinical Installation Guide for instructions on creating the OCLSASCR group.

Individual users do not need to be members of the OCLSASCR group.

For more information , see:


To add opapps to the OCLSASCR user group in UNIX:

  • Use the usermod command, or

  • Edit the /etc/group and /etc/logingroup files, if these files are not linked; if these files are linked, it is only necessary to modify the /etc/group file.


You can add the user to the OCLSASCR user group in Windows by:

  1. From the Start menu, navigate to Administrative Tools, then Computer Management, then Local Users and Groups, then Groups.

  2. Right-click oclsascr and select Add to Group.

  3. Click Add. The Select Users window opens.

  4. Enter the the username and click OK.