Adding or Revoking OCPSUB Access

You can grant or revoke a single user's access to the ocpsub proxy database account at any time by running the ocl_grant_revoke_OCPSUB.sql script.

To run the script ocl_grant_revoke_ocpsub.sql:

  1. Log on to the operating system.

  2. Set environment variables for the database name and code environment; see Setting Environment Variables on the Command Line

  3. Change to the RXC_INSTALL directory:

    cd %RXC_INSTALL%

  4. Connect to SQL*Plus as system:

    sqlplus system

  5. Run the script:


The script prompts for:

  • the exact username

  • an indication of whether you want to grant the privilege to the user (enter 1) or revoke it (enter 0).