Running the Migrate Users Script

If you have user accounts with PSUB privileges created in Oracle Clinical before Release 5.0, you must migrate them to enable them to continue running PSUB jobs in the current release. Instead of their own operating system account, they now need access to the ocpsub operating system account.

A prefix of OPS$ is no longer required, but the migration script does not remove the OPS$ from existing account names so that the user's audit history is not interrupted.

You can run this script on all OPS$ user accounts or on specified user accounts.

To run the migration script oclupg50migrateusers.sql:

  1. Log on to the operating system.

  2. Set environment variables for the database name and code environment; see Setting Environment Variables on the Command Line

  3. Change to the RXC_TOOLS directory:

    cd %RXC_TOOLS%

  4. Connect to SQL*Plus as system:

    sqlplus system

  5. Run the user migration script:


The script has one parameter, accounts. Its possible values are:

  • % runs the script on all existing accounts that begin with the string OP$

  • %name% runs the script on all accounts matching the pattern name, regardless of whether or not there is an OP$ prefix. (You can also use the wildcard % only at the beginning or end of the string: %name or name%.)

  • specific_account_name runs the script on a single account