Computing the Validation Status of All Responses (cnvstatus)

Use the cnvstatus utility to compute a validation status for all responses. The utility populates a column in the RESPONSES table that contains the validation status of each stored response. Before populating the response field VALIDATION_STATUS, you might want to add Discrepancy Resolution subtypes to distinguish various types of resolutions. You do this by entering values in the Long Value field of the reference codelist DISCREPANCY RESOLU TYPE CODE. This is an installation codelist you access from within Oracle Clinical which maintains user-defined discrepancy statuses.

You must select the values from the following list: NULL, CONFIRMED, IRRESOLVABLE, SUPERSEDED, or NOT DISCREPANT. The last two values are used only for manual discrepancies; they indicate that the discrepancy applied to a previous version of the response, or that the discrepancy was never really a problem with the data, but just a comment.

When the process is complete, examine the log, $RXC_LOG/cnvstatus.log, for errors.

For more information , see:

Running cnvstatus on UNIX

To run cnvstatus on UNIX:

  1. Log on to the server as opapps and change the directory to $RXC_TOOLS.

  2. Set environment variables for the database name and code environment; see Setting Environment Variables on the Command Line

  3. Set the output directory:

    • C Shell command: setenv RXC_LOG usr_log_dir

    • Bourne Shell command:

      RXC_LOG = usr_log_dir

      export = code_env

  4. Run the script. It prompts for the RXC username and its password.

    cnvstatus study_name or ALL

    For example:

    % cnvstatus ALL | Study Name

    Where "ALL" is all studies in the database and Study_Name is the name of one study.

Running cnvstatus on Windows

To run cnvstatus on Windows:

  1. Log on to the server as opapps.

  2. Open a DOS window, change directory to %RXC_TOOLS, and set the server environment; see Setting Environment Variables on the Command Line

  3. Set the output directory:

    set  rxc_log=user_log_folder

  4. Run the command file. For example:

    cnvstatus ALL | Study_Name

    Where "ALL" is all studies in the database and Study_Name is the name of one study.