Creating SAS Output File Directories

You must create a root directory in which to store output files for the jobs SAS Datasets and Proc Print, and enter the path as the value for SAS_OUTPUT_ROOT in the OCL_STATE local reference codelist.

You must also decide whether or not you want to have a subdirectory for each user who submits these jobs, and enter either Y or N as the value for SAS_USERDIRS in the OCL_STATE local reference codelist. The system enforces the choice you make.

If you have very few users who submit SAS Datasets and Proc Print jobs, and if they all have access to the same studies, you may choose not to have user-specific subdirectories. Otherwise, having user-specific directories is the more secure choice because users can see only output files of jobs they have submitted.

If you choose to have user-specific subdirectories, you must create the subdirectories.