Configuring Default Installation Data Extract Settings

In the DX Installation Configuration window, you determine the default settings for new studies. To launch the Data Extract Installation Configuration window, navigate to Admin and select DX Installation Configuration.

The DX_CONFIG installation reference codelist includes exactly the same settings. When you change a setting here, the change is reflected in the reference codelist. When you change a setting there, the change is reflected here.

Figure 6-1 Data Extract Installation Configuration Window

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of "Figure 6-1 Data Extract Installation Configuration Window"

You can enable or disable the attributes described in the upper part of the window by selecting or clearing the appropriate box. The lower part of the window enables you to reduce the size of comments and the DVG long value, and to choose the default Key Template and the default Key Template domain.

The settings in the Data Extract Installation Configuration window are:

Separate Oracle and SAS Names?

When enabled, you can specify different names for Oracle and SAS view columns. Oracle views take the long name; SAS takes the short name. The default is deselected.

In earlier versions of SAS (such as version 6.12), the maximum length for variables (columns or views) was 8 characters, while Oracle names could be as long as 30 characters. If you wanted to keep the same names for the Oracle and SAS variables (for consistency or some other business need), you had to choose a name short enough to fit in the SAS variable length. If you wanted to have a longer Oracle name, the names had to be different. Data Extract creates the Oracle and SAS views based on the decision you make in this field.

DCM Default Views Are Linked to Source DCM as Default Condition?

This setting controls whether a view definition is linked to its source DCM if the view definition's link mode is DEFAULT. If this setting is enabled, a view definition with DEFAULT link mode will be linked to its DCM, meaning that changes to the DCM will propagate to the view definition as well. If this setting is not enabled, these view definitions are not linked, so they will not change when the source DCM changes.

Enable Templates?

Enable Edit of Active Key Templates?

Enable Edit of Active Extract Macros?

Enable Edit of Active View Templates?

Each of these settings enables you to choose whether users can modify one type of active component in a view definition. Your organization may want to freeze definitions like Key Templates, extract macros, and View Templates that are used across many view definitions in the global library.

Enable Selection of Aggregate, Nondefault Key Template?

Choose this setting to be able to choose alternative Key Templates for different view definitions within a study.

Include View Definition?

Include Validation Status in Default View Definition?

Include DVG Sequence Number in Default View Definition?

Include DVG Short Value in Default View Definition?

Include DVG Long Value in Default View Definition?

Include Thesaurus Term1 in Default View Definition?

Include Thesaurus Term2 in Default View Definition?

Include Thesaurus Term3 in Default View Definition?

Include Full Value Text in Default View Definition?

These settings all control attributes that you might want to include in the default view definition. All are part of what you can add through the Extended Attributes button when defining a simple question in the Global Library, or through the Template Attributes button when building a template in the Maintain View Templates window.

  • Validation Status is an attribute of the RESPONSES table. By choosing to display another attribute, you can tell how clean your data is. The default is deselected.

  • The DVG Sequence Number indicates the order the discrete values appear in the list of values for data entry. The DVG Short Value is the data as entered. The DVG Long Value is a longer form than the short value of the data as entered. You need at least one, but you may pick all, of the following: the DVG Long Value, the DVG Sequence Number, or data values for the DVG questions.

  • The Thesaurus Term configuration preferences involve the same kinds of choices as for the DVG, except that data can come from several different tables. You must still choose at least one term, and you may choose all three. The default is selected.

  • Oracle Clinical stores valid responses in the Value Text field, and invalid ones in the Exception Value Text field. When the response is valid, the Full Value Text field contains the Value Text; when it is invalid, Full Value Text contains the Exception Value Text.

Enable Update of SAS and Oracle Column Names?

When you bring a question from the Global Library into a View Template, the SAS column names and Oracle column names in the View Template default to the names defined in the Global Library. If this option is selected, you can change the names at the View Template level; if not selected, you cannot modify the names from their Global Library-derived defaults. The default setting is deselected.

Enable View Builder as Default in New Studies?

The View Builder enables you to automatically generate views of the data and metadata included in a single Data Collection Module (DCM). If this setting is enabled, the VB Enabled? setting in the Clinical Study States window is selected by default for new studies.

Use DCM Question-Specific DVG Subset for DVG Attributes?

This setting determines whether the Discrete Value Group (DVG) attributes that are included in the view come from the DVG subset that has been assigned to the DCM question or from the base DVG subset. Selecting this box makes the views include the DCM question DVG's subset information; clearing the box makes the views include the base subset information. For information on DVGs and DVG subsets, see the chapter on questions in Oracle Clinical Creating a Study.

Use DCM SAS Label as Seed for Attributes in Default View Definition?

This setting determines which SAS labels the system uses for all the attribute columns of a default view definition. By default, this setting is not enabled, so the SAS labels of the attribute columns are created using the SAS label of the question attributes in the Global Library. However, when you enable this setting, the system creates the SAS labels of the attribute columns of the View Template within the context of a view definition by using the corresponding DCM question's SAS label as the seed when the View Template Question is mapped.

Max Length of Audit Comment

The default Audit Comment length is 200 characters. You can reduce this value if you typically use no more than a few characters for this comment.

Max length of Data Comment

The Oracle Clinical default Comment length is 200 characters. You can reduce this value if you typically use no more than a few characters for this comment.

Max Length of DVG Long Value

The default DVG Long Value length is 200 characters. You can reduce this value if you typically use no more than a few characters for this comment.

You can also create the DVG Long Value column with a maximum width equal to the DVG values specified for a given question. This behavior is enabled when the maximum length of the DVG Long Value is set to zero.

Default Key Template

The default Key Template for custom and default view definitions. You can choose a new default Key Template from the list of values.

Data extract users can choose a non-default Key Template for their view definition only if the Enable Selection of Aggregate, Nondefault Key Template? box is selected.

Note that study-specific Key Templates achieve the same goal. You can supply a study-specific Key Template in the Clinical Study States window (from the Conduct menu, select Security, then select Clinical Study States).

Key Template Domain

The Key Template Domain indicates the Global Library domain in which the default Key Template is stored. You cannot assign or change the domain of the default Key Template in this window.

Build Fast Views?

Fast views are created with a different structure from other data extract views. While functionally equivalent, the fast view structure provides better performance when querying the views, especially for queries against response values. If set to Y, the system builds fast views when possible but builds regular views if the view structure is incompatible with the fast view approach. This is the case with cross-DCM views and with views based on key templates that aggregate across key columns such as patient, visit or received DCM. The system handles cross-DCM views automatically, but for aggregate views you must enter the text "AGGREGATE" in the Status Comment field of the key template. The system then successfully builds a regular view structure.

If you are encountering performance issues--queries are running for several minutes--when querying large data extract views, you should consider using fast views.