Granting Data Access to User and Group User Accounts

You must explicitly give users access to study data, either by granting them Superuser status, which allows access to all studies, or explicitly granting access to specific studies or groups of studies (programs and projects). For RDC users, you can use either the Oracle Accounts window or the Study and Site Security windows; see Granting Data Access to RDC Users.

To allow an Oracle Clinical or RDC user—even a user who will work exclusively in RDC—to view study data, you must grant study or superuser access in Oracle Clinical. You can grant data access to a user or group user account in several ways:

  • Grant access to data in all studies by granting the user or group user account superuser status, either in the Oracle Accounts window or, for individual users, when you run the Add User script.

  • If the user or group user accounts does not have superuser status, you can grant access to data in one or more studies, either to one study at a time or to all studies in a program or project.

You can grant data access at several levels:

Granting Data Access to Programs and Projects

Assigning program or project access to a user or group user account enables either the individual user or the set of users in the group to have access to all studies associated with the program or project.

  1. Navigate to Admin, Users, and then select Oracle Accounts. The system opens the Oracle Accounts window.

  2. Query for the account with which you want to work.


    You cannot assign project or program access to a user or user group whose Super User? flag is checked. That account already has access to all programs and projects.

  3. Click Programs/Projects. The Programs window displays.

  4. In the Program field, from the list of values select the name of the program to which you want the user or user group to have access.

  5. In the Project field, from the list of values select the program to which the user will have access. If the user should have access to all projects within a program, enter a percent sign (%) in the project field.

    To assign multiple programs to the account, or multiple (but not all) projects within a program, use multiple rows. There is no limit to the number of programs to which the user can have access.

  6. Save your work.

Granting Data Access to a Study

To assign study data access to a user or user group:

  1. Navigate to Admin, Users, and then Oracle Accounts. The system opens the Maintain Oracle Accounts window.

  2. Query for the account with which you want to work.


    You cannot assign study access to a user or user group whose Super User flag is checked. That account already has access to all studies.

  3. Click Studies. The Studies window displays.

  4. In the Study field, from the list of values select a study to which you want the user or user group to have access. To assign multiple studies to the account, use multiple rows. There is no limit to the number of studies you can specify.

  5. Save your work.


    If a user creates a new study and does not have access to it through the project and/or program it belongs to, the system automatically gives the user access to the study he or she has just created.

Superuser and Study Access Interaction

You cannot assign project or program access to a user or user group whose Super User? flag is checked. That account already has access to all programs and projects.

However, if you assign access to programs, projects, or studies to a user whose Super User? flag is not checked, and then check that user's Super User? flag, the superuser status overrides the existing specific privileges, but the existing privileges are still displayed in the Projects, Programs, and Studies windows.

If an RDC user has superuser status in the Oracle Accounts window and has access to only a subset of RDC studies in the Study Security window, the superuser status overrides the study-specific privileges and the user has access to all studies. However, you can use the Study Security window to limit the type of access to a particular study. See the Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite Administrator's Guide for information.

Revoking User Access


If a user has both superuser status and access to specific studies defined, you must revoke the superuser status before you can revoke his/her access to a specific study.

When you revoke access to a program, you revoke access to all projects within that program.

To revoke a user's study, user group, project, or program access:

  1. Navigate to Admin, Users, and then select Oracle Accounts. The system displays the Oracle Accounts window.

  2. Query for the account with which you want to work.

  3. Click either Studies, Programs/Projects, or Group Membership.

  4. Select the study, program/project combination, or user group from which you want to remove the user.

  5. From the Data menu, select Delete Record.

  6. Save your work.