Predefined Database Roles

To see a complete list of the predefined database roles and the menu items to which they allow access, run the Menu Roles report in the Developer's Toolkit.

To run the Menu Roles report, navigate to DTK, then Menu Roles. To see the Developer's Toolkit (DTK menu item) you must have the DTK_ADMIN database role. See Granting Additional Database Roles to User Accounts.

If you create custom roles for your Oracle Clinical database and set up menu security for these roles, you can run the Menu Roles report to confirm that you have set up these roles correctly. The Menu Roles report describes, for both default and custom roles, the menu items to which each role gives a user access. This report applies to the current database only.


If the Menu Roles report does not show a custom role you have defined, you may not have defined a record for that role in the OPA_MENU_ROLES codelist. See Adding a Custom Role to OPA_MENU_ROLES.