Scheduling a Job to Manage Patient Updates

If any studies or study sites are using partial source data verification with a Patient SDV Plan specifying an autoselection rate and/or a number of initial patients, you must set up a recurring job to check for newly eligible patients available for patient SDV automatic selection. The job runs on all studies that use partial source data verification for patients that have become newly eligible.

To set up the schedule, select Admin, then select DE Admin, then select Schedule Pending Patient Updates Job.Depending on how often new patients become eligible for partial source data verification and the refresh rate needed by your monitors, you can program job execution frequency for an interval between every 15 minutes and daily.

The job also manages locking situations that can arise due to simultaneous requests to update the Patient Positions table. These can have the following effects:

  • When a user makes updates in the Maintain Patient Positions window, he or she may receive an error message saying that updates are pending for one or more patients in the study and to try again later. Running this job commits the updates and makes it possible to work in the Maintain Patient Positions window again.

  • When the OCL_UTILS package attempts to update a locked patient record, the update is written to the patient_positions_deferred table to be processed the next time the Pending Patient Updates job is executed.

Users can run the same job at any time from the Conduct, Security menu.


Even if you are not using patient autoselection for source data verification, you should schedule this job on a less frequent basis if you are using any ocl_utils procedure to update the patient positions table on an ongoing basis.