Setting Up Power Users

Most end users do not require additions to a login script for Oracle Clinical purposes. Only power users who want to run opa_setup from the command line (to condition their environment to point to a particular database, or a code environment, or both), must add commands to a login script on that machine to configure their environments.

A power user might use opa_setup to set environment variables for such tasks as:

  • Running client applications other than Oracle Clinical (such as SQL*Plus, SAS, or a reporting program) against an Oracle Clinical database
  • Installing patches to Oracle Clinical server code or databases
  • Running Oracle Clinical administrative SQL scripts

For users who will perform these tasks, commands must be added to the login scripts that:

  • Define RXC_LOG
  • Add SAS
  • Add source (on C shell).

For more information, see:


Bourne/Korn shell

Edit the user's .profile file. In the following example, SAS_home is the directory where the SAS executable is located.

# Include OPA directories
PATH=$PATH:/opa_home/bin:/sas_home; export PATH
# Define RXC_LOG for command line utilities
RXC_LOG=$HOME/log; export RXC_LOG

C shell

Edit the user's .cshrc file. For example:

# Include OPA directories 
set path=( $path /opa_home/bin /sas_home ) 
# Define RXC_LOG for command line utilities 
setenv RXC_LOG $HOME/log 
# Create alias for opa_setup 
source /opa_home/bin/copa_setup_alias


No changes to a login script are required. To run opa_setup, ensure that opapps_home/bin is in the PATH environment variable.