9 Approving CRFs

In Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite (RDC Onsite), an approval is the equivalent of an electronic signature. Generally, the site investigator approves CRFs. You can approve CRFs only if you have approval privileges.

You approve CRFs, one at a time, from the Data Entry window. Alternatively, your sponsor can configure RDC Onsite to make a group approval option available. Techniques for finding the CRFs requiring approval vary slightly, depending upon whether or not you have a Source Data Verification (SDV) plan in effect for the study site. If you do have a published SDV plan in place, then partial SDV is likely in effect, whereby not all CRFs require SDV. You can view the SDV requirement for CRFs only if you have the BROWSE_VERIFY or higher privilege. See Using Source Data Verification.

For more information, see: